Whiteboard Wednesday: Working with iControl REST Query Parameters

In this episode of Whiteboard Wednesday, Jason digs into the query parameters supported by the iControl REST API.

Published Jul 08, 2015
Version 1.0

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  • Is the `option` parameter you mention available in all versions of iControlREST? Was trying to test that along with you and got a couple errors (running 11.5.0). I did have to change `/sys/conn` to use `/sys/connection` to get the connections list. Then, I get an `unknown property` error when trying to use the options. (so my url would be something like `https://bigip/mgmt/tm/sys/connection?options=cs-server-addr+`) Thanks!
  • Yeah, for the API you need to full connection keyword, sorry for abbreviating that on the URL. ?options=... should be supported in 11.5+, if it's not working properly I'd open a case.