Forum Discussion

Pai_73290's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 02, 2010

error while compiling the java bindings

i get "symbol not found" message and


".\ uses unchecked or unsafe operations


recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details" as a note when i compile the java bindings generated from the wsdl.



please help soon.




6 Replies

  • will give you a warning but should still compile. What are you trying to do? Compile the samples from the SDK?
  • yes i am trying to compile the java files extracted out of the wsdl and also the java files in the samples from SDK


  • yes i am trying to compile the java files extracted from the wsdl and also the java files in the samples folder of the SDK.


    even if i ignore "compile with option -Xlint:unchecked" i get errors like


    1. "symbol not found"


    2. IControl package does not exist



    but iControl package was already created by the make.bat script.



  • It appears to me that you are not an experienced Java developer as the problem you are describing is related to your Java environment, not iControl API.



    "symbol not found" and "iControl package does not exist" are all related to your Java environment - i.e. JAVA_CLASSPATH AXIS_CLASSPATH and missing libraries. Have a look at the batch files and set everything correctly.



    Have a look at the Java quickstart guide:






  • thank you.



    there was some confusion between SAMPLE_CLASSPATH and JAVA_CLASSPATH in the make file of the "System" (sample applications).



    I do not know if i am right but when i replaced JAVA_CLASSPATH with SAMPLE_CLASSPATH in the code below (code found in make file of "System")sample application folder, things worked fine.



    for %%f in ( *.java ) do echo Compiling %%f...& %JAVAC% -classpath %JAVA_CLASSPATH% %SAMPLE_SOURCEPATH% %%f.




  • Pai, we provide the compiled and packaged java libraries for JDK 1.5 and 1.6 in the binary distribution. What is the reason for you wanting to compile it yourself? The make files were very lame first attempts that I build to package the sources into .jar files and included them in the downloads for those that wanted them, but you are the first I've heard that needed a custom build of it. Just wondering why?


