Forum Discussion

Brian_Deitch_11's avatar
Historic F5 Account
Dec 07, 2012

v11 cookie hash



I've looked around and can't find any data on it, but has the v11 cookie has been decoded like in v9 and v10?




4 Replies

  • Hi Brian,



    Are you looking for info on how to decode a v11 cookie insert persistence cookie? If so, I don't think much has changed in v11. Have you checked this SOL for info:



    sol6917: Overview of BIG-IP persistence cookie encoding




  • Brian_Deitch_11's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Hi Aaron,

    Thanks for taking the time to reply back to me. I'm used to seeing a hash with 3 periods in it:

     Set-Cookie: BIGipServerpool_orin_8080=940904714.36895.0000; 

    However this cookie does not:

     Set-Cookie: BIGipServerpl_wdp_ext_http=rd1o00000000000000000000ffff0aa06c1eo80; 

    Upon further inspection, the given configuration is using route domain which switches the hash. Thanks for the link!

  • Brian_Deitch_11's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    If anyone is intrested, here is a python script:

    import struct

    import sys

    if len(sys.argv) != 2:

    print "Usage: %s cookie_value" % sys.argv[0]


    encoded_string = sys.argv[1]

    print "\n[*] String to decode: %s\n" % encoded_string

    (rd, host, port) = encoded_string.split('o')

    Hexadecimal details:

    iphash = host.replace("00000000000000000000ffff", "")

    rdnum = rd.replace("rd", "")

    (a, b, c, d) = [ord(i) for i in struct.pack("

    print "[*] Decoded IP: %s.%s.%s.%s" % (d, c, b, a)

    print "[*] Decoded Port: %s" % port

    print "[*] Decoded Route Domain: %s\n" % rdnum

    Run the script

    bash-3.2$ python rd5o00000000000000000000ffffc0000201o80

    [*] String to decode: rd5o00000000000000000000ffffc0000201o80

    [*] Decoded IP:

    [*] Decoded Port: 80

    [*] Decoded Route Domain: 5

    • Moinul_Rony's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
      Hi Brian, I get an error around the line (a, b, c, d) = [ord(i) for i in struct.pack(" Is this complete ?