Forum Discussion

Vincent_Li_9688's avatar
Historic F5 Account
Mar 12, 2013

iControl Java help on certificate_import_from_pem

I am totally Java and iControl Java API newbie, and this is my first Java code adopted from devcental, I am trying to import certificate use certificate_import_from_pem, I got an highlight error in Eclipse, I think i am not getting the object definition/declaration from iControl class correct, any tip ?



public class KeyCertificate {



public iControl.Interfaces m_interfaces = new iControl.Interfaces();



public void usage()




System.out.println("Usage: SystemInfo hostname username password");





public void Run(String [] args) throws Exception




if ( args.length < 3 )












String host = args[0];


String user = args[1];


String pass = args[2];



boolean bInit = m_interfaces.initialize(host, user, pass);


if ( bInit )












///////////////////////////////////////// private method for the cert //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////



private void addCertificates()


throws Exception






String[] certs = new String[1];


String names = "test_cert";


String mode = "ManagementKeyCertificateManagementModeType.MANAGEMENT_MODE_DEFAULT"; ///////////////here seems not right



iControl.ManagementKeyCertificateBindingStub certstub =





certs[0] = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" +






"eS5hdS5jb20xGTAXBgNVBAsTEHBpbXBqaW1teS5hdS5jb20xGTAXBgNVBAMTEHBp\n" +


"bXBqaW1teS5hdS5jb20wHhcNMDYwNDEzMDUxNTM0WhcNMTEwNDEzMDUxNTM5WjB9\n" +




"BgNVBAoTEHBpbXBqaW1teS5hdS5jb20xGTAXBgNVBAsTEHBpbXBqaW1teS5hdS5j\n" +




"gY0AMIGJAoGBANgR1vv312gokkkQzotDS1fqXV57HcgVeMA/dHetaqbWNFnvF6pi\n" +


"+U+d85sh9ONwLAv8vrU58yUZFnEcwc1mp6P9O8MI6pAyCYACpdnVGkzQm7uDiFLr\n" +


"aKZiaMI3s4K2WA7kLR6T53oZlGx8LFIkU2rHygk59BW63zOiveQKaRHNAgMBAAEw\n" +


"DQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADgYEAaHGGQOHhf7oRhf2bZWcPH0wI/a6yJQ0zxegAnx9O\n" +


"1S8NeE/Cc+T+scQ2t3H8/wH/bxNlXdYVgo/F9oc7XNQ/KO6ainQbaH37irG2WBvM\n" +


"69N+ZA8xGS9rPen4za7YqNzshDBa1ZOIjh5uHw2UCj5C/vwhGefVaeTxkmXHtQVt\n" +


"BHY=\n" +


"-----END CERTIFICATE-----";



certstub.certificate_import_from_pem(mode, names, certs, true); ///////////////////////got an error here in Elicpse









* @param args




public static void main(String[] args) {






KeyCertificate kc = new KeyCertificate();






catch(Exception ex)













2 Replies

  • 1. "names" should be an array and not a string - read the API documentation:


    2. "modes" is not a string either :-) documentation in the wiki link above


    3. learn Java before attempting to program in that language (or choose a programming language you know best - iControl works with many languages)


  • Vincent_Li_9688's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    FYI, I end up with following java code to make it work:





    import java.util.Scanner;



    public class KeyCertificate {



    public iControl.Interfaces m_interfaces = new iControl.Interfaces();



    public void usage()




    System.out.println("Usage: KeyCertificate hostname username password");





    public void Run(String [] args) throws Exception




    if ( args.length < 3 )












    String host = args[0];


    String user = args[1];


    String pass = args[2];



    boolean bInit = m_interfaces.initialize(host, user, pass);


    if ( bInit )














    private String readFile(String pathname) throws IOException {



    File file = new File(pathname);


    StringBuilder fileContents = new StringBuilder((int)file.length());


    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file);


    String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator");



    try {


    while(scanner.hasNextLine()) {


    fileContents.append(scanner.nextLine() + lineSeparator);




    return fileContents.toString();


    } finally {











    private void addCertificates()


    throws Exception






    String[] certs = new String[1];


    String[] keys = new String[1];


    String[] key_ids = null;


    key_ids = new String[]{"vli_self_server_key"};


    String[] cert_ids = null;


    cert_ids = new String[]{"vli_self_server_cert"};


    iControl.ManagementKeyCertificateBindingStub certstub = m_interfaces.getManagementKeyCertificate();


    iControl.ManagementKeyCertificateManagementModeType mode = iControl.ManagementKeyCertificateManagementModeType.MANAGEMENT_MODE_DEFAULT;



    keys[0] = readFile("C:\\Users\\vli\\iControl-java\\vli_self_server.key");


    certs[0] = readFile("C:\\Users\\vli\\iControl-java\\vli_self_server.crt");



    try {


    certstub.key_delete(mode, key_ids);


    certstub.certificate_delete(mode, cert_ids);


    }catch (Exception e) {


    System.out.println("certificate and key not exist");






    certstub.certificate_import_from_pem(mode, cert_ids, certs, true);


    certstub.key_import_from_pem(mode, key_ids, keys, true);


    certstub.certificate_bind(mode, cert_ids, key_ids);


    System.out.println("certificate and key import succeeded!");










    * @param args




    public static void main(String[] args) {






    KeyCertificate kc = new KeyCertificate();






    catch(Exception ex)










