Forum Discussion

Billy_chuang_16's avatar
Historic F5 Account
Jan 04, 2008

Max Size of iRules Class

Dear All



Does anyone know the max size of Class in BIGIP config file and external Class ? Any size limitation there ?







4 Replies

  • Colin_Walker_12's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    There is technically no maximum class file size, as the space that a class consumes in memory varies greatly depending on the size of each record in the class, the type of class, etc.



    In general, though, we recommend that you keep your classes under a few thousand entries if possible to ensure proper handling and resource utilization within your iRules.



  • There are some details in this post (Click here), but that still doesn't have definitive sizing limits for classes. Anyone have more current suggestions?





  • zafer's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus



    we tell the customers we have power with iRule but we cant say limitations?.



    How the F5 guys positions the product models for customer?



    For example the customer has 400Mbps throughput after ips but i dont know which model enough for customers? LTM 1500 LTM 6800 ???



    i will check some http requests and i will redirect them.



    please change your position with customer. Developer tell you You can do with irule but i can say limitation






  • I was actually able to crash and corrupt parts of the OS (like /etc) by trying to load a large class file. The file was about 900K, It was an encoded png file for the maint page example. So My guess is that realistic limit is somewhere below that.