Forum Discussion

sorn47_86555's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 23, 2009

ASM without LTM (ASM Standalone)

I have a question.



ASM can run without LTM?



If ASM can run without LTM. How to configuration?



ASM can run in transparent mode or put inline on network?



If ASM down the box can bypass traffic? How to?





Please help.



Best Regards,








5 Replies

  • Hi there,



    It would be best to talk with an F5 Salesperson (). F5 does offer an ASM standalone product which does not support load balancing. It is configured in much the same way as ASM with LTM, but there isn't an option to add multiple members to the pool. ASM can be configured in a transparent bridge mode:



    SOL9372: Configuring BIG-IP ASM in transparent bridge mode

  (Click here)



  • I use the ASM4100 without LTM. I would not recommend it as using another Lb solution behind the ASM creates a routing nightmare depending on the firewalling and routing method that is employed on the front end. As for configuration, read the manual. Once you get the hang of it, it is easy.
  • I just went to ASM class, and ASM in standalone can only send to 1 ip address/pool member. So w/o a load balancer it might not be of too much use......
  • Yes, the main idea of an ASM standalone license is that it does not include load balancing.


