Forum Discussion

3 Replies

  • There is no direct API method to "work your way up the chain", but you can get to it with a little bit of code. I wrote a few samples a while back that cover the pool from member. Check out the CodeShare sample "Ps Pool Lookup".



    It's written in PowerShell but the logic would be the same with the Java libraries (same methods, just different language constructs).


    If you get stuck with things like this, make sure you check out the iControl CodeShare.


    Hope this helps...




  • In short, you have to grab all pool members (from every pool) and perform the comparison on your own. I presume the API is designed to force all data extraction computation on the API consumers. I can't tell you how many times I'd wished for filter/search capability in the iControl API. ;)


  • I hear you. Just never developed a "search" function. Maybe that's a good project idea to build a "search" library for .Net, Java, etc. B-)