Forum Discussion

10 Replies

  • Not sure your description is clear. Can you elaborate on why the server side connection must be longer than the client side connection?


  • server side support long connection only.client side must reuse the server side connection.


  • i have config oneconnect but it's still not work. the connection is not http connect,so oneconennect profile is useful?


  • The name of this command has always mystified me, but maybe the IP::idle_timeout command will work:

        IP::idle_timeout 1802
  • The requirement is: Client connection is short alive,it maybe timeout shortly. Server connection must be long active,always be active. And Server side connection must be full duplex,not only client side can sent packets to server but also server side can sent packets to client. And the issue is when server sent packet to client,the connetin can not reuse.


  • but also server side can sent packets to client


    Okay, now that we've established this is not HTTP traffic, are you suggesting that the server should be able to send packets to a client AFTER the client TCP session has closed? Not necessarily a response to a request, but potentially a new client side connection? I get wanting to reuse a server side connection, but not sure I understand how a server would send a message to a client out of context of a client request. Is this something that you're already doing somewhere else?


  • The server and client should be able to send packets each other,the communication is socket. The server can not send request voluntary,should be able to send packets to a client after client TCP session built.But client not support long active connection. So the problem is how to solve the conversion between the two connections ,short active and long active?


  • Note that if a long server side timeout is specified through a profile, this also applies to the client side timeout I believe. I'm not sure if this applies to iRules.


    If the client is closing the connection in a valid way I'm not sure it will matter anyway, the F5 will surely close the related server side connection. Even if it doesn't there's no way to ensure the same server side connection will be used for that client. It may be possible but you'll need to configure Persistence and OneConnect very carefully, ensure you're using a standard VS and test, test, test.


  • As Steve says, it is technically possible to maintain different timeouts for client side and server side traffic. That's essentially what OneConnect does. The problem I see is in the context of the transaction. If the client made repeated short connections, while the server side remained open (again what OneConnect does), under what context would a request from one client side connection be accepted on another?