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RSpangler_17032's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 16, 2014

Adding a maintenance page to the pool

Good day SME's,

Please forgive me as I am new to all of this. Management wants me to come up to speed on the F5's as our person who handled it is no longer with the company.

I am looking to add an iRule to our server pools that displays a message when there are no more servers in the pool. something like this;


    if {[active_members [HTTP::host]] < 1 } {

     Send 200 response with some HTML and headers to prevent caching

HTTP::respond 200 content {     

How do I add this so that this is only displayed after all resources are down?

I thank you for your time.

9 Replies

  • you need something like this:


    if { [active_members [LB::server pool]] < 1 }


    If the page never changes you could also host it on the LTm and use the iFile commands to serve pages directly from the device, that depends on how complicated you want the page though.


    Here is a good example:


    • RSpangler_17032's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thank you for the fast reply. I am still full of questions. What are the advantage of using 'LB::server pool' over HTTP::host'? Testing the original script seems to work. Also does the order matter of how the rules are placed in iRules on the resource page of the virtual server list? Sorry if these seem like dumb questions, I am still trying to wrap my head around these F5's.
  • Arie's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

    HTTP::host returns (or sets in v11.5+) the value of the HTTP header "host". This is not related to load balancing / routing.


    [LB::server pool] gives you access to the pool the VIP uses, which means that you can (among other things) query it to see how many of its members are available (up).


    The order of the iRules can be important; it depends on the functionality of each. It is also possible to force an order by setting it in the individual rules.


  • So I updated the iRule with "LB::server pool" and it broke the Virtual Server Clients got nothing but a page is not available message (by accident as I did not know the iRule was in use at the time).


    Anyway the servers were up and functioning and everything else was good. My question now is why "LB::server pool" broke the system and "HTTP::host" didn't?


  • Arie's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

    HTTP::host may seemingly 'work', but it has nothing to do with active members. HTTP::host holds (or sets) the HTTP-header "host". Most likely HTTP::host returned a value greater than 1.


  • Arie's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

    This should work:


    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if { [active_members [LB::server pool] ] < 1 } {
            HTTP::respond 503 content "down"

    By the way, I noticed that in your code you're returning a 200 when the pool is down. However, you'll want to return a 503, not a 200.


  • Are you by any chance defining the pool in the iRule, and do not have a default pool assigned to the VIP?


  • There must be other factors involved. The [HTTP::host] evaluation didn't break anything, simply because it didn't return the information the evaluation cared about. The active_members command looks at the count of active members in the pool provided. You provided it the host header of the request (which ironically should have broken it for semantics reasons), which simply didn't return a value that was less than 1. If the [LB::server pool] command is now breaking it, try supplying a specific pool name:

    if { [active_members my-pool] < 1 } {

    If that works, then you're best bet is probably either a) no pool assigned to the VIP, or 2) some other conflicting information in either of the iRules.

  • So that makes sense now. You're defining the pool in the iRule, and presumably don't have a pool defined to the VIP itself. When you make an evaluation of [LB::server pool], and no pool has been assigned to the flow yet, you get an error.