Forum Discussion

Lalit_Sharma_17's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 11, 2014

Disable-F5.LTMNodeAddress and Enable-F5.LTMNodeAddress is not working.



I am using below script to enable and disabled node on load balance -


function EnableNode([F5Node]$Node = $(throw "Missing Required Parameter")) { Enable-F5.LTMNodeAddress -Node $Node.Address Write-Host "Enabled Node '$Node'" }


I debug the function and everything is seems executing but node is not disabling or enabling.


Can you please help me in that.


2 Replies

  • What language are you using? Are you using a library? What call are you making? More detail please.


  • Hmmm, not familiar with that I'm afraid. Regardless I've been going through some real pain with Puppet and iControl REST. What really saved the day was using ssldump on the F5 to actually inspect the XML being sent back and forth. I could then 'work backwards' as it were and fix each problem I came across.

    If you want to, follow steps 2-4 here in SOL7823 and then fire up ssldump. Its a great tool, I was so impressed I wrote a blog post about it here.

    Something like this will do it if you don't have time to read up;

    ssldump -k /path/to/key_file.key -i eth0 -dXnq host x.x.x.x

    Where x.x.x.x is the management IP address of the device. Be aware that GUI traffic will also be picked up so best not to use it while troubleshooting.

    Hope this helps at least a little.