Forum Discussion

adrian_171483's avatar
Feb 04, 2015

using a URL for node in a pool ?

Hi all,


we have a project to use the LTM as a reverse proxy.


We need to have the LTM virtual server listen and forward to a downstream Virtual server (URL) on another LTM.


So effectibvly a DMZ LTM forwarding to a URL on an APP LTM..


So the question is what is the best way to achieve the result, we would like the DMZ LTM to be DNS aware so it can resolvle the URL in case it changes to the DR site.


My inital thoughts are to build a Virtual server with a FQDN node and static route to that and static to the DR IP address.


is this the way to do it ??


3 Replies

  • Hi Adrian,


    as I learned just yesterday, since TMOS v11.6.0 you can specify a pool member by FQDN now. So a new A record for the specified host will be taken into account.


    Thanks, Stephan


  • ok.. thanks stephan.. i did note the FQN node in the GUI.


    I presume that the LTM unit itself needs to resolve the DNS records via the default system settings..


    the reason i ask is that our own DNS servers are not available to the LTM at the moment.