Forum Discussion

3 Replies

  • TCP idle timeouts should help in these cases. Any time the session is initiated, and then you have to wait for extended periods of time for user input, or server response, idle timeouts can be increased to account for this idle connection time.


  • One of the other possibility, depending on the application and how it's written, is to persist on a cookie that the application uses to identify the unique user. Most applications that interact with users tend to generate these cookies in order to keep track of where the user is within a flow. The best solution would depend on what the application is already doing and what it needs to keep track of the user.


  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    Ahh... yes... In the past... a few of them...


    With browser interfaces, a user idling around won't** be holding a connection open. They will be holding a session, but that's implemented using separate connections, and a COOKIE usually is used to associate the connections together into the session.


    No different to any other website in that respect really...




    ** Shouldn't! Although I have seen some really awful code in the past that made requests and expected a browser to sit & spin for 30+ minutes and wait for a response... I could rant for a while about bits like that... But will save it for a time when people buy me a pint...