Forum Discussion

LyonsG_85618's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Mar 30, 2015

Session Persistence when pool disabled

I have configured a VIP with a default pool containing 2 servers.

Action on service down has been configured as RESET.

I have a monitor applied which retrieves a file that contains the word SUCCESSFUL or FAILED.

The receive disable string is FAILED.

This is working as expected.

I also have an irule for jession id persistence taken from here:

The problem is that the persistence is being honoured so that even if pool member is DISABLED the existing connection is not RESET.

Pool config is:

`    ltm pool /DEVT/pool-extranet-devt-https {
members {
    /Common/ {
    /Common/ {
monitor /DEVT/monitor-extranet-devt-10500 and /DEVT/monitor-extranet-devt-443 
service-down-action reset

Monitor config is:

`    ltm monitor https /DEVT/monitor-extranet-devt-443 {
adaptive disabled
cipherlist DEFAULT:+SHA:+3DES:+kEDH
compatibility enabled
defaults-from /Common/https
destination *:*
interval 5
ip-dscp 0
recv "200 OK"
send "GET / HTTP/1.1\\r\\nHost: \\r\\n\\Connection: Close\\r\\n\\r\\n"
time-until-up 0
timeout 16
    ltm monitor http /DEVT/monitor-extranet-devt-10500 {
adaptive disabled
defaults-from /Common/http
destination *:10500
interval 5
ip-dscp 0
recv-disable FAILED
send "GET /jbtest/servlet/JBTest HTTP/1.1\\r\\nHost: \\r\\n\\Connection: Close\\r\\n\\r\\n"
time-until-up 0
timeout 16

Virtual Server config is:

`      ltm virtual /DEVT/vs-extranet-devt-https {
destination /DEVT/
ip-protocol tcp
persist {
    /DEVT/profile-persistence-devt-jsessionid {
        default yes
pool /DEVT/pool-extranet-devt-https
profiles {
    /Common/http { }
    /Common/httpcompression { }
    /Common/oneconnect { }
    /Common/tcp { }
    /DEVT/profile-extranet-devt-clientssl {
        context clientside
    /DEVT/profile-extranet-devt-serverssl {
        context serverside
source-address-translation {
    type automap
translate-address enabled
translate-port enabled

So how can I get BIG-IP to reset any persistent connections when server  responds with FAILED?

I was going to apply an iRule that would reject connections   if both pool members were down:

 if { [active_members pool-extranet-devt-https] < 1 } {

I would like to do this for each pool member though.

Anyone got any thoughts as to how i could do this ?

Or even why the ACTION ON SERVICE DOWN doesn't work when persistnce is applied?

5 Replies

  • Hi,


    When pool member is disabled it's still accepting new connections for existing persistent connections, as well as handling already open connections. Action on service down is only performed when pool member is marked down by monitor. So for you monitor setting it only happen when there is no match for both Receive String and Receive Disable String. If there is match for only Receive Disable String pool member is not set to down (equal to Forced offline admin status) it's set to disabled (SOL) so Action on Service down is not performed.




  • OK - so by that logic if i take receive disable string out, the monitor will fail and ACTION ON SERVICE DOWN will work. Thanks. I'll test that.


    • dragonflymr's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
      As far as I remember from my test all persistence records pointing to down pool member are removed (if using statefull persistence of course), for cookies connection just will be reset because target pool member is down. Hope it help. Piotr