Forum Discussion

doodle_guy_2193's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Aug 29, 2015

Offline (Enabled) - The children pool member(s) are down

Hi Friends,


I am novice to F5 and following CBT Nuggets to understand LTM in a better way. I have completed basic configuration i.e defined Nodes, defined Pool and assigned Pool Members to my Pool.


Now the problem is that I have enabled "http" health monitor and right after I click 'finished' the icon Transitions from 'Blue Square' to 'Rectangle Red' - Offline(Enabled) - The children pool member(s) are down when I hover over the Pool in 'Pool List'.


Now this is a very basic setup with 3 .OVA web servers pre configured which I received in my Nuggetlabs.


I am able to login to the servers using my browser, telnet 80 and curl commands but the Servers are showing as Offline(Enabled) - Pool member has been marked down by a monitor in 'Members' list.


I need your help to proceed further please.


Thanks in advance,




  • Hi,


    I got it! I had to create a custom monitor with 'GET /\r\n\r\n' as send string as my version of VE is 11.3.


    Pool members came up straight away!!


    Regards Sagar


10 Replies

  • Hi,


    I got it! I had to create a custom monitor with 'GET /\r\n\r\n' as send string as my version of VE is 11.3.


    Pool members came up straight away!!


    Regards Sagar


    • Dalmaren_261881's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hi Sagar, Thanks very much. You saved the day. The pool came up straight away for me too. Did you manage to connect to the virtual server as well? I have the pool up, all servers up, the virtual server is up as well.The routing is all good. I just can't connect to the virtual server from an external interface. Is the modification to the HTTP GET is affecting this. HELP please. Thanks,
    • Dalmaren_261881's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      I have got an answer from Yann Dasmarest. I had to activate SNAT on the virtual server Please see the question I posted in case you come across the same issue. (Virtual server and http pool not accessible)
    • prashanth2's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi Sagar,


      As I am facing the same problem, 



       Offline (Enabled) - Pool member has been marked down by a monitor
      Health Monitors



      In monitor --> send string --GET /\r\n updated same. But still same problem 

  • Hi Sagar,


    The Custom health Monitor worked for me.


    Thanks a Ton mate !


    Regards, RajaSekher


  • Am new to F5 ,Can u explain How to create custom Health Monitor.Please help i struck at that point .


  • Hi all ,i have same issue VIP and pool member down .from F5 pool IP i can ping but telnet port 80 no response .i try curl no response .pls help me