Forum Discussion

Balancing_Harmo's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 23, 2015

Standby unit LTM logs showing down pool while Active unit has none

I have a high availability pair and LTM logs in standby show that my pools are down
 but in active unit, no such logs are present. I saw SOL11162 which indicates the same 
 scenario, but the article is pointing out that it is due to using a VLAN group. 
 I am not using a VLAN group in my configuration. Could there be another reason?

5 Replies

  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    I'll assume the two boxes are configured the same and synced up (as they are in a HA pair).

    Do you have a monitor on the nodes and are they up/down on the Standby as they are on the Active? The monitor traffic comes from the non-floating self IPs on both boxes, are there firewalls in the way which might be blocking traffic? Can you ping the pool member(s) from the Standby bigip?

    What do you see if you run a tcpdump on the Standby device, do you see any traffic between the bigip and an example pool member?

    tcpdump -nni 0.0 -s0 host  and host 

    Hope this helps,


  • I'm having the same problem. Please help! However for me its the Active that's failing. No monitor at Node level. Also i'm able to ping the pool member from command line. ARP table shows all the entries. Its wierd that just this one pool is affected, others are working fine.


    Thanks in advance!


    Update - Took packet capture - Only see ARP traffic, NO Monitor activity seen on cap. So the BigIP is not even initiating the health check