Forum Discussion

Robberhines_120's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 08, 2016

Bulk remove iRules script issue

We are currently running on software version 11.6 and we have an iRule that we would like to remove from some 200 VIP's that we have.


I found and recreated the bulk script located here:


When I attempt to run it, it says "The TestRule iRule was removed from the following virtuals:"


and then nothing else after it. The VIPS in question are in a /Customers partition and the iRule is in the /Common partition. Thinking that was a problem I added an iRule that is in the /Customer partition to a vip and still the same results. Would there need to be any changes made to the script to make it work for 11.6?


3 Replies

  • Hi Robberhines,

    the script is still okay in 11.6, but it was just never designed to support iRules in other partitions then /Common.

    To support the removal of iRules bound on VS in multiple partitions, the scripts needs to iterate the available partitions step-by-step. So you may want to try this customized script...

    proc script::run {} {
        if { $tmsh::argc != 2 } then {
            puts "A single rule name must be provided"
        set qualified_rulename [lindex $tmsh::argv 1]
        set vips_in_play ""
        foreach partition [tmsh::get_config auth partition] {
            set partition "/[tmsh::get_name $partition]"
            puts "Crawling Partition: $partition"
            tmsh::cd $partition
            if { $qualified_rulename starts_with $partition } then {
                set rulename [string trim $qualified_rulename $partition]
            } else {
                set rulename $qualified_rulename
            set vips [tmsh::get_config /ltm virtual]
            foreach vip $vips {
                puts "\tCrawling VS : $partition/[tmsh::get_name $vip]"
                if { [tmsh::get_field_value $vip "rules" rules] == 0 } then {
                    puts "\tFinished VS: No Rules bound to the VS"
                if { [lsearch -exact $rules $rulename] == -1 } then {
                    puts "\tFinished VS: $rulename is not bound to VS"
                if { [llength $rules] < 2 } then {
                    puts "\tFinished VS: $rulename is removed from VS"
                     tmsh::modify /ltm virtual [tmsh::get_name $vip] rules none
                } else {
                    puts "\tFinished VS: $rulename is removed from VS"
                    set id [lsearch -exact $rules $rulename]
                    set keepers [lreplace $rules $id $id]
                     tmsh::modify /ltm virtual [tmsh::get_name $vip] rules "{ $keepers }"
                lappend vips_in_play "$partition/[tmsh::get_name $vip]"
            puts "Finished Partition: $partition"
        if { $vips_in_play ne "" } then {
            puts "The provided iRule $rulename was removed from the following virtuals:"
            foreach vip_in_play $vips_in_play {
                puts "\t$vip_in_play"
        } else {
            puts "The provided iRule $rulename was not found on any virtual."

    Note: You have to uncomment every instance of "tmsh::modify" to perform the actual changes. Without, the script would just simulate the changes and output some debug lines.

    [itacs@f5-02:Active:Standalone] /  tmsh run cli script file script.tcl /Common/Test2
    Crawling Partition: /Common
            Crawling VS : /Common/VS_HTTPS_210
            Finished VS: Test2 is removed from VS
            Crawling VS : /Common/VS_HTTPS_211
            Finished VS: Test2 is removed from VS
            Crawling VS : /Common/VS_HTTP_192-224
            Finished VS: Test2 is removed from VS
    Finished Partition: /Common
    Crawling Partition: /test
            Crawling VS : /test/test
            Finished VS: /Common/Test2 is removed from VS
    Finished Partition: /test
    The provided iRule /Common/Test2 was removed from the following virtuals:

    Note2: Test it carefully in a non-production environment. Its somewhat hot smoked... 🙂

    Cheers, Kai

    • Kai_Wilke's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP
      You're welcome. Cheers, Kai BTW: Catched a little bug. Change [string trim $qualified_rulename $partition] to [string range $qualified_rulename [expr { [string last "/" $qualified_rulename] + 1}] end].