Forum Discussion

adrian_171483's avatar
Jul 15, 2016

manual ip persistence

We have an issue where a two tier F5 (DMZ / APP) has a set of web servers that forwards connections to the APP layer which uses Ip persistence. the DMZ is cookie based for connections coming in and this load balances fine. But on some days we end up getting session from the two of the DMZ servers stuck onto one of the APP servers. we are thinking that we could stick each web server to a node in the APP pool manually to avoid this ?


1 Reply

  • Have you tried "Least Connections (Member)" as the LB algorithm ?

    If you explored playing around with LB algorithm, then you can try this - create 2 pools: POOL_APP_1 POOL_APP_2

    Use an iRule that will send traffic from DMZ_Server_1-IP to POOL_APP_1 and the other DMZ server to POOL_APP_2

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    if { [IP::client_addr] eq  } {
    pool POOL_APP_1
    } else {
    pool POOL_APP_2