Forum Discussion

Christian_Meiss's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 20, 2016

class match provides no results

Hi Folks,

i wrote the following iRule Skript which should set HTTP header based on request uri:

when RULE_INIT {
     Enable to debug RedirectByLocation translations via log messages in /var/log/ltm
     (2 = verbose, 1 = essential, 0 = none)
    set static::HeaderByLocationDebug 2


     Create all essential variables for the logic below
     set all variables to an empty value
    set orig_uri [string tolower [HTTP::uri]]

    set static::log_prefix "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::local_port] URI=$orig_uri:"

     The name of the Data Group (aka class) we are going to use. 
     Parse just the virtual server name by stripping off the folders (if present)
    set class_name "Substitute_[URI::basename [virtual name]]"

    if { $static::HeaderByLocationDebug > 1 } {
        log local0. "$static::log_prefix [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] -> [IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port]"

    set location ""
    set header_name ""
    set header_value ""

     Check whether class_name exist or not.
     If it doesn't exists log an that the data group is missing an exiting
    if {! [class exists $class_name]} {
        log local0. "$log_prefix: Data group $class_name not found, exiting."
    } else {
         Here we know that the needed data group exists and we can go on
        set element [class match -element "$orig_uri" starts_with $class_name]

        if { $static::HeaderByLocationDebug > 1 } {
            if { $element eq "" } {
                log local0. "$static::log_prefix no data group element found."
            } else {
                log local0. "$static::log_prefix data group element found: $element"

         At this point we have a line for the given URI in data group 
         so we can store each entry in the data group line into a local variable
        set location [getfield $element " " 1]
        set header_name [string trimleft [getfield $element " " 2 ] "{" ]
        set header_value [string trimright [getfield $element " " 3 ] "}" ]

        if { $header_name ne "" and $header_value ne "" } {
            if { $static::HeaderByLocationDebug > 1} {
                log local0. "$static::log_prefix HTTP::header insert $header_name $header_value"
            HTTP::header insert $header_name $header_value
        } elseif { $static::HeaderByLocationDebug > 1 } {
            log local0. "$static::log_prefix no header name or value given. Giving up."

Now there seem to be a bug and i have no idea.

set element [class match -element "$orig_uri" starts_with $class_name]

Here no element is found.

Maybe one iRule applied also will interfer these iRule. There also ProxyPass is working on URI's.

/foo -> /bla/basel?abcadef (This is Redirected by ProxyPass) /foo -> should fire a header setting. Content-Disposition "attachement;"

Data group list looking like this:

records {
    /foo {
        data "Content-Disposition \"attachement;\""
    /bar {
        data "foo bar"
type string


Any ideas please?



1 Reply

  • i would log the URI to make sure you are checking the right thing. if it turns out it was changed in another irule earlier or the other way around then you should look into giving them different priorities.