Forum Discussion

ebeng_278441's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Aug 31, 2016

Log the count of the STREAM hits

I'm trying to figure out how it will be possible, how many times a

is being executed.

when HTTP_RESPONSE {    
    if { $http_host equals "" or $http_host equals "" }{
        STREAM::expression "@aa@bb@"
        STREAM::expression "@rr@ff"
        STREAM::expression "@gg@qaqa@"
        log local0. "RESPONSE: $http_host to IP: [IP::client_addr]"

So in the log i want to see like:

Total STREAM hit 80 (40aa - 20rr - 20gg)

1 Reply

  • Hi Ebeng,

    you can count the individual

    hits using the
    event. But its not that easy to accumulate the total hit numbers, since STREAM happens after the
    event. You have to accumulate the hit numbers either on the very next
    (if keep-alive is used) or on

    You may take a look to the iRule below. It will count the individual STREAM hits and finally accumulate the results.

        set stream_result(path) $http_path
        if { [info exists stream_result(Pattern:[STREAM::match])] } then {
            incr stream_result(Pattern:[STREAM::match]) 
        } else {
            set stream_result(Pattern:[STREAM::match]) 1
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        set http_path [HTTP::path]
        if { [info exists stream_result(path)] } then {
            set stream_result(match_total) 0
            log local0.debug "Debug [array names stream_result Pattern:*]"
            foreach stream_result(pattern) [array names stream_result Pattern:*] {
                incr stream_result(match_total) $stream_result($stream_result(pattern))
                append stream_result(match_detailed) "( $stream_result(pattern) = $stream_result($stream_result(pattern)) | "
            log local0.debug "STREAM hits on URL $stream_result(path):  $stream_result(match_total) [string trimright $stream_result(match_detailed) " |"] )"
            unset -nocomplain stream_result
    when CLIENT_CLOSED {
        if { [info exists stream_result(path)] } then {
            set stream_result(match_total) 0
            log local0.debug "Debug [array names stream_result Pattern:*]"
            foreach stream_result(pattern) [array names stream_result Pattern:*] {
                incr stream_result(match_total) $stream_result($stream_result(pattern))
                append stream_result(match_detailed) "( $stream_result(pattern) = $stream_result($stream_result(pattern)) | "
            log local0.debug "STREAM hits on URL $stream_result(path):  $stream_result(match_total) [string trimright $stream_result(match_detailed) " |"] )"
            unset -nocomplain stream_result

    Note: Keep in mind, that you can't specify multiple STREAM::expression during HTTP_RESPONSE. But you can combine multiple expression into a single STREAM::expression (e.g.

    STREAM::expression "@aa@bb@@rr@ff@@gg@qaqa@")

    Cheers, Kai