Forum Discussion

SHAIKHI_299610's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 16, 2017

GTM WideIP Global Availability LB method resolving to offline pool member

Hi I'm testing the different WideIP LB methods on a single BigIP VE instance with LTM and GTM, and am finding that the Global Availability method is not working as expected. Defined a wideip with a single pool which has 2 members. First Member (Order 0) is offline but wideip resolving to this member. Attached screenshots and gtm config. Any suggestions please ?


gtm datacenter /Common/3rdParty { } gtm datacenter /Common/DC_dy { } gtm datacenter /Common/DC_rd { } gtm datacenter /Common/RSN { } gtm server /Common/BIGIP1-ext-SelfIP { addresses { { device-name /Common/BIGIP1-ext-SelfIP } } datacenter /Common/RSN monitor /Common/bigip virtual-server-discovery enabled virtual-servers { /Common/dns-server-internal { destination } /Common/webserver-list { destination } } } gtm server /Common/external-server { addresses { { device-name /Common/external-server } } datacenter /Common/3rdParty monitor /Common/http product generic-host virtual-servers { external_server_vs { destination monitor /Common/http } } } gtm server /Common/webserver1_rd { addresses { { device-name /Common/webserver1_rd } } datacenter /Common/DC_rd monitor /Common/http product generic-host virtual-server-discovery enabled virtual-servers { webserver1_vs { destination monitor /Common/http } } } gtm server /Common/webserver2_dy { addresses { { device-name /Common/webserver2_dy } } datacenter /Common/DC_dy monitor /Common/http product generic-host virtual-server-discovery enabled virtual-servers { webserver2_vs { destination monitor /Common/http } } } gtm global-settings general { cache-ldns-servers no forward-status enabled } gtm global-settings load-balancing { verify-vs-availability no } gtm global-settings metrics { metrics-collection-protocols { icmp } } gtm global-settings metrics-exclusions { addresses none } gtm monitor http /Common/gtm-http-test { defaults-from /Common/http destination : interval 30 probe-timeout 5 recv none send "GET /" timeout 120 } gtm pool a /Common/wideip-dr-pool { fallback-mode round-robin load-balancing-mode global-availability members { /Common/webserver1_rd:webserver1_vs { member-order 0 } /Common/webserver2_dy:webserver2_vs { member-order 1 } } monitor /Common/http } gtm pool a /Common/wideip-pool-test { disabled members { /Common/webserver1_rd:webserver1_vs { member-order 0 } /Common/webserver2_dy:webserver2_vs { member-order 1 } } monitor /Common/http verify-member-availability disabled } gtm wideip a /Common/ { load-balancing-decision-log-verbosity { pool-member-selection } pools { /Common/wideip-pool-test { order 0 } } } gtm wideip a /Common/ { last-resort-pool a /Common/wideip-dr-pool load-balancing-decision-log-verbosity { pool-member-selection } pool-lb-mode global-availability pools { /Common/wideip-dr-pool { order 0 } } }


1 Reply

  • Can you check these 2 settings (they should be enabled):


    1 - Verify Member Availability


    This is in the GTM pool settings.


    2 - Verify Member Availability


    This is in the global settings. Settings > GSLB > Load Balancing.


    Also, are you getting just one IP or two in the DNS response? Are you querying directly the GTM listener?