Forum Discussion

aalkhuja_160331's avatar
Apr 10, 2017

Convert Cisco-ACE to F5-LTM health monitor

Guys need your help, I'm converting Cisco ACE probe Configuration to F5 LTM health monitor.



probe tcp TCP_9443 port 9443 interval 10 faildetect 2 passdetect interval 30 passdetect count 1 receive 8


and the monitor i created it is:



ltm monitor tcp_9443 { defaults from tcp interval 10 timeout 30 retry 2 }


But still didn't find anything regarding the: receive 8


Is there any command for it in F5 ?


Thank you Ammar


3 Replies

  • I don't see any retry option (in 13.0.0), you could achieve that with (2 x interval) + 1. The monitor default is (3 x interval) + 1 You will need to check in the Cisco documentation or web interface, what receive means.


    I would not convert like to like. The systems are totally different, so maximum I would change the timers for interval and timeout.


  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    Receive 8 is the time period ACE expects a response to a monitor. There is no explicit F5 configuration for this, this is set as per the interval configuration i.e. if interval is set to 5 then the bigip waits 5 seconds for a response before issuing a new one. Hope this makes sense.


    I agree with Leo, not always easy to convert configurations this way, better off working out how you want it to look on the bigip. For example, in ACE interval is the time when a backend server is UP, and passdetect interval is the time when a backend server is down. On a bigip interval is the monitor time period when a backend server is down/unknown and, if Up Interval is disabled, Up too. However, if you configure Up Interval then this is the time period when a backend server is Up. See how things could get confusing.


    As per Leo, understand when you want a monitor to be executed and timeout and then work out if you want a different interval for when a server is up already.




  • Ok Will consider (3 x interval) + 1.


    I Believe it is more reasonable .


    Thank you.

