Forum Discussion

4 Replies

  • Hello,

    I think there is a bit of interpretation missing from this iRule content, and you should be going through a method overload problem.

    See this line:

    call thisiRule::sendEmail $errorSubject $errorBody

    "thisiRule" means the iRule name what you are creating.

    and in this other line:

    catch {call procLibrary::sendEmail $subject $body ""}

    Indicates that the overload method sendEmail, has to be in another irule e.g. "procLibrary"

    So, try creating the methods in different libraries (iRules), e.g.:

    "thisiRule" content:

     this Irule sends an email to the F5 admin via the mailserver. This iRule calls the procedure in the procLibrary iRule.
    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
        set error 0
        if {$error} {
            set errorSubject "F5 Email Notification."
            set errorBody "There was an event that happened. Check your F5 local log!"
            call thisiRule::sendEmail $errorSubject $errorBody
        else {
            Do something cool
    proc sendEmail {sourceSubject sourceBody} {
            set currentTime [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%H:%M:%S}]
            set todaysDate [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%m-%d:%Y}]
            set subject ${sourceSubject}
            set body "${sourceBody}\r\n\r\n ${currentTime}hrs on ${todaysDate}.\r\n\r\n This is an automated email sent via the this iRule iRule.\r\n\r\nSincerely,\r\nYour F5 Support Team"
            log local0. $body
            catch {call procLibrary::sendEmail $subject $body ""}

    "procLibrary" irule content:

     This procedure library procLibrary sends an email using a sideband connection to your organizations email server.
     It has 3 input parameters; subject, body and additional email addresses. The calling procedure needs to seperate the additional 
       emails with a " ". Example "".
    proc sendEmail {sourceSubject sourceEmailBody sourceAddEmailAddress} {
        upvar 1 $sourceSubject n1
        upvar 1 $sourceEmailBody n2
        upvar 1 $sourceAddEmailAddress n3
        set email_debug 0
        set hostName [info hostname]
        set mailFrom "root@$hostname"
        set mailTo ""
        set mailServer ""
        set subject $sourceSubject
        set emailBody $sourceEmailBody
        set addEmailAddress ""
        if {$sourceAddEmailAddress ne ""} {
            append sourceAddEmailAddress "${mailTo}"
            foreach emailAddress $sourceAddEmailAddress {
                set emailConn [connect -timeout 2000 -idle 10 -status conn_status $mailServer]
                if {$email_debug} {log local0. "connect_status: $conn_status"}
                set emailData "HELO\r\nMAIL FROM: $mailFrom\r\nRCPT To: ${emailAddress}\r\nDATA\r\nSUBJECT: \r\n\r\n\r\n$emailBody\r\n.\r\n"
                set send_info [send -timeout 2000 -status send_status $emailConn $emailData]
                if {$email_debug} {log local0. "emailData: $emailData"}
                if {$email_debug} {log local0. "send_status: $send_status"}
                set recv_data [recv -timeout 2000 -status recv_status $emailConn]
                if {$email_debug} {log local0. "recv_Data: $recv_data"}
                close $emailConn
                if {$email_debug} {log local0. "EmailTo: $emailAddress"}
        else {
            if {$email_debug} {log local0. "connect_status: $conn_status"}
            set emailData "HELO\r\nMAIL FROM: $mailFrom\r\nRCPT To: ${emailAddress}\r\nDATA\r\nSUBJECT: \r\n\r\n\r\n$emailBody\r\n.\r\n"
            set send_info [send -timeout 2000 -status send_status $emailConn $emailData]
            if {$email_debug} {log local0. "emailData: $emailData"}
            if {$email_debug} {log local0. "send_status: $send_status"}
            set recv_data [recv -timeout 2000 -status recv_status $emailConn]
            if {$email_debug} {log local0. "recv_Data: $recv_data"}
            close $emailConn

    Particulary, I prefer to rewrite all this content to one iRule, if use it to simple thing.

    I hope it helps you.
    • jomedusa's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      I am trying to do something similar and have created 2 irules, I can see log entries that the "event" is occuring, but I never see that the second irule is called. I am going to attempt to combine into a single one. Has anyone had success using the above?

      • cjunior's avatar
        Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous


        I'm not sure issues you are facing, so did you write the rule library name in front of procedure on the call statement?


        call procLibrary::sendEmail

        Please, check if this short example makes more sense to you:

        # Some virtual server
        ltm virtual vs_devcentral {
            ip-protocol tcp
            profiles {
                http { }
                tcp { }
            rules {
        # iRule with events
        ltm rule irule_devcentral {
            when HTTP_REQUEST {
                   log local0. "This is from irule_devcentral"
                   call irule_lib_dc::externalProcedure()
        # Library with procedures
        ltm rule irule_lib_dc {
            proc externalProcedure() {
                log local0. "This is from externalProcedure() into irule_lib_dc"
                HTTP::respond 200 content "<html><head></head><body>Voila!</body></html>" Connection close

        The test:

        [root@bigipdelta:Active:Standalone] tmp # curl -v
        * Rebuilt URL to:
        *   Trying
        * Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
        > GET / HTTP/1.1
        > Host:
        > User-Agent: curl/7.47.1
        > Accept: */*
        * HTTP 1.0, assume close after body
        < HTTP/1.0 200 OK
        < Server: BigIP
        < Connection: close
        < Content-Length: 45
        * Closing connection 0


        [root@bigipdelta:Active:Standalone] tmp # tail /var/log/ltm
        Jan 15 14:38:13 bigipdelta info tmm[11153]: Rule /Common/irule_devcentral <HTTP_REQUEST>: This is from irule_devcentral
        Jan 15 14:38:13 bigipdelta info tmm[11153]: Rule /Common/irule_devcentral <HTTP_REQUEST>: This is from externalProcedure() into irule_lib_dc


    • IbbyVK's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      I am trying to make the simplest imaginable iRule that sends an email when a VIP gets hit. I do not want to use multiple iRules. How do I write one like that?