Forum Discussion

1 Reply

  • Hi Bago,

    if you want the attacker to become pissed, then respond on each single TCP-connect with an HTTP 200 OK including IIS6.0 Server-Banners. This procedure will confuse his automated tools so that the attacker will a.) require a decent time to rule out all the false positives or b.) very soon look for easier targets...

    Well, the more serious answer is just drop the unwanted TCP-sessions via the [drop] command or add some tarpits via

    [after 3000]
    'ing the connection to slow down his port scanner. But the later approach may consume some additional ressources on your device...

    Note: Keep in mind, that a Virtual Server will perform the full 3-way handshake before you can

    the connection. Putting a network firewall infront of your Virtual Servers will allow you to
    even the initial 3-way handshake...

    Cheers, Kai