Forum Discussion

Dominik_312933's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 13, 2018

Get Status of individual pool monitors via iControl REST

Hi DevCentral community!

I am currently trying to retrieve the status (per individual monitor) for a specific pool or member via iControl REST.

As you can see in the following response, there are currently two monitors (gateway_icmp and http) configured for the given pool, whereas at least one of the monitors needs to be in up state.

GET https://f5.test.lan/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~Common~XYZ-Test

    "kind": "tm:ltm:pool:poolstate",
    "name": "XYZ-Test",
    "partition": "Common",
    "fullPath": "/Common/XYZ-Test",
    "monitor": "min 1 of { /Common/gateway_icmp /Common/http }",
    "membersReference": {
        "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~Common~XYZ-Test/members?ver=",
        "isSubcollection": true

However, when trying to get the status of the pool, I only receive information about the total status (in this case up) of the pool, but not the status of the individual monitors.

GET https://f5.test.lan/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~Common~XYZ-Test/members

    "kind": "tm:ltm:pool:members:memberscollectionstate",
    "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~Common~XYZ-Test/members?ver=",
    "items": [
            "kind": "tm:ltm:pool:members:membersstate",
            "name": "",
            "partition": "Common",
            "fullPath": "/Common/",
            "address": "",
            "monitor": "default",
            "session": "monitor-enabled",
            "state": "up"

GET https://f5.test.lan/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~Common~XYZ-Test/members/stats

    "kind": "tm:ltm:pool:members:memberscollectionstats",
    "entries": {
        "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~Common~XYZ-Test/members/~Common~": {
            "nestedStats": {
                "kind": "tm:ltm:pool:members:membersstats",
                "selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~Common~XYZ-Test/members/~Common~",
                "entries": {
                    "addr": {
                        "description": ""
                    "monitorRule": {
                        "description": "min 1 of /Common/gateway_icmp /Common/http (pool monitor)"
                    "monitorStatus": {
                        "description": "up"
                    "nodeName": {
                        "description": "/Common/"
                    "poolName": {
                        "description": "/Common/XYZ-Test"
                    "port": {
                        "value": 1514
                    "sessionStatus": {
                        "description": "enabled"
                    "status.availabilityState": {
                        "description": "available"
                    "status.enabledState": {
                        "description": "enabled"
                    "status.statusReason": {
                        "description": "Pool member is available"

Is there any way to get the status of the individual monitors (e.g. gateway_icmp --> up, http --> down) for a specific pool, or its members?

Thank you in advance.

8 Replies

  • Hello,


    I have exactly the same problem. Impossible to get the status per monitor.


    If you found the solution could you share it please ?


    Regards, Alexis


  • Call two endpoints:


    First, get the pool member and monitor names. Because the references to the pool members are subcollections, you need to add the

    query string to expand the references (for more information, see pp. 31-34 in iControl® REST API User Guide Version 12.1😞 e.g.,

    curl -sku admin:admin https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/vmnet2-80?\expandSubcollections=true

    The call yields (abridged for readability sake):

        "fullPath": "vmnet2-80",
        "membersReference": {
            "isSubcollection": true,
            "items": [
                    "address": "",
                    "fullPath": "/Common/CentOS-vmnet2:80",
                    "address": "",
                    "fullPath": "/Common/Fedora-vmnet2:80",
        "monitor": "min 1 of { /Common/gateway_icmp /Common/http }",

    In this example, the pool

    has two members:
    . Two monitors are attached to the pool:
    , and the availability requirement is "at least ... 1 health monitor(s)".

    Then, get the stats from the two monitors. e.g.,

    curl -sku admin:admin https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/monitor/gateway-icmp/gateway_icmp/stats
    curl -sku admin:admin https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/monitor/http/http/stats 

    Note that you need to specify the monitor type (e.g., gateway-icmp) and monitor (gateway_icmp) just like the equivalent

    command. The call yields (abridged):

     LTM::Monitor /Common/gateway_icmp
       State time:   up for 0hr:49mins:44sec            <<< This one is UP
       |   Last error:   N/A @2018.04.16 11:34:28
       State time:   up for 1hr:22mins:46sec            <<< ditto
       |   Last error:   N/A @2018.04.16 11:01:26
     LTM::Monitor /Common/http
       State time:   down for 0hr:41mins:52sec          <<< This one is DOWN.
       |   Last error:   Unable to connect
                         No successful responses received before deadline. @2018.04.16 11:45:28
       State time:   down for 0hr:44mins:25sec          <<< ditto
       |   Last error:   Unable to connect
                         No successful responses received before deadline. @2018.04.16 11:42:55

    As you can see, the output is exactly same as

    tmsh show ltm monitor  
    . Because the iControl REST puts all the tmsh output in one blob to the
    field after converting '\n' (LF) to the literal '\n' (backslash and n), you may want to parse it using
    or something similar: e.g.,

    curl -sku admin:admin https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/monitor/http/http/stats | python -m json.tool | grep apiAnonymous | sed 's/\\n/\n/g'

    Because there are multiple queries and field look-ups involved, you may want to write a script. You have a number of choices: bash (call curl), PowerShell, Ansible or F5 Python SDK.

  • Hello Satoshi,


    Thank you very much for you're detailled answer.


    I tested your solution and it looks great when I work on monitors hosted on the Common partition, but when I try on monitors hosted on user defined partitions it fails :


    curl -sku admin:password | python -m json.tool
                    "apiError": 1,
                    "code": 404,
                    "errorStack": [],
                    "message": "Object not found - /PART1/https_1_0_443"

    Am I doing it the right way ? Is there any workaround ?


    PS : The object /PART1/https_1_0_443 actually exists


    • Dominik_312933's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Yes, I am experiencing the same issue.

      A GET request to


      triggers the expected response (containing the "apiRawValues" field).

      However, a GET request to


      triggers 404 Object not found.

      On the other hand a monitor in a custom partition, wrapped in an iApp works as expected. A GET request to


      triggers the expected response (containing the "apiRawValues" field).

      This is a really strange behavior, whereas I would be very interested in a workaround other than using an iApp.

    • Satoshi_Toyosaw's avatar
      Historic F5 Account

      Perhaps the monitor is not attached to a pool.

       Change to a folder (partition)
      root@(ltm1311)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) cd /TestFolder/
       Verify the monitor in this partition. Yes, it's there.
      root@(ltm1311)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/TestFolder)(tmos) list ltm monitor http TestMonitor
      ltm monitor http TestMonitor {
          adaptive disabled
          defaults-from /Common/http
          destination *:*
          interval 5
          ip-dscp 0
          partition TestFolder
          recv none
          recv-disable none
          send "GET /HelloWorld.html\r\n"
          time-until-up 0
          timeout 16
       Can I see the stats? No.
      root@(ltm1311)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/TestFolder)(tmos) show ltm monitor http TestMonitor
       Check the pool. I don't have any pool on this folder.
      root@(ltm1311)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/TestFolder)(tmos) list ltm pool
       Let's create one. Attach the monitor on the /TestFolder.
      root@(ltm1311)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/TestFolder)(tmos) create ltm pool TestPool monitor TestMonitor members add { /Common/CentOS-internal20:80 }
       Double check it is there.
      root@(ltm1311)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/TestFolder)(tmos) list ltm pool
      ltm pool TestPool {
          members {
              /Common/CentOS-internal20:http {
                  session monitor-enabled
                  state up
          monitor TestMonitor
          partition TestFolder
       Now show me the stats
      root@(ltm1311)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/TestFolder)(tmos) show ltm monitor http TestMonitor
       LTM::Monitor /TestFolder/TestMonitor
         State time:   up for 0hr:0min:8sec
         |   Last error:   N/A @2018.04.19 15:49:14

      Now check the monitor stats via iControl REST

      curl -sku admin:admin https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/monitor/http/~TestFolder~TestMonitor/stats | sed 's/\\n/\n/g'
       LTM::Monitor /TestFolder/TestMonitor
         State time:   up for 0hr:8mins:7sec
         |   Last error:   N/A @2018.04.19 15:49:14
  • Facing the same issue, version 12.1.x and Doesn´t matter if the monitor is assigned to a pool or not, in both cases a 404 not found is received. No problems when monitor resides in Common partition.


  • You should raise a ticket to F5 Support since so you can share more data for troubleshooting.


  • After retesting i found out that a monitor´s stats can only be queried when the monitor is attached to a pool with members in it (as mentioned already by Satoshi). If the monitor is not attached to a pool or is attached to a pool without actual members, it will not show any stats and LTM will respond with a "404 object not found". This is true for both the Common partition and subpartitions.


    Tested under and