Forum Discussion

1 Reply

  • Absolutely! From the tmsh prompt, you can enter either an exclamation point (!) or show /cli history. For example:

    (tmos) !
     1  load sys config partitions all base
     2  load sys config partitions all
     3  load sys config partitions all gtm-only
     4  list sys db systemauth.primaryadminuser one-line
     5  show sys software
     6  load sys config partitions all
     7  load sys config partitions all gtm-only
     8  run sys crypto check-cert stdout disabled
     9  save sys config partitions all
    10  save sys ucs /var/tmp/Rbbqgcp_80.ucs
    11  list sys db systemauth.primaryadminuser one-line
    12  load sys config partitions all
    13  load sys config partitions all gtm-only
    14  delete sys software volume hd1.1
    15  delete sys software volume HD1.1
    16  list sys software volume

    To re-execute a command from history, enter !xx where "xx" is the number of the command shown in history. For example, to re-execute that last "list sys software volume" command:

    (tmos) !16