Forum Discussion

2 Replies

  • You can use an Local Traffic Policy or a simple iRule to achieve this:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if {[IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals ""]} {

    However Be careful - Do you really need a redirect or do you just want to change the URI? If you redirect (HTTP 302) you can get stuck in a loop if the redirect comes to the same VIP.

    If you just need to change the URI, you can try the following

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if {[IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals ""]} {
            HTTP::uri /new-uri/
  • Hi Mohammed,

    I've put together a more comprehensive iRule now I have more information about your requirements which should give you a good starting point. It uses a data-group using IP addresses and URIs as key/pair values.

    The iRule will lookup the client IP against the datagroup elements, if there is a match it will return the data portion of the element (the URI) and set the outgoing URI to this value.

    Please note this iRule hasn't been tested.


    ltm data-group internal user_mapping_dg {
        records {
                data /uri1
                data /uri3
                data /uri3
        type string


    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        set mapping_dg "user_mapping_dg"
         return data-group element (IP address) if client IP is listed. returns NULL/"" if not
        set ipMapping [class match -name [IP::addr [IP::client_addr]] equals $mapping_dg]
        if {$ipMapping ne ""} {
             set custom URI based on client IP - set in coresponding data portion of data-group
            set customUri [class match -value $ipMapping equals $mapping_dg]
            HTTP::uri $customUri