Forum Discussion

engtmk's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 27, 2007

bigip1 panic: unable to alloc 4194304 bytes

I found this error in my LTM log, when I asked the support he said:



that TCL was trying to resize the ::users array (internal hash table) with an index of "time,", and it crossed the 4MB boundary



so I need to know if there is a way to prevent this variable from exceeding the 4MB memory limit



below you will find the iRule that caused the error:


when RULE_INIT {


set ::maxconnect 80


set ::blocktime 120


array set ::users { }


array set ::spammers { }






set clientip [IP::remote_addr]


log local0. "the client ip is $clientip"


if { [matchclass [IP::remote_addr] equals $::smtp_whitelist ] } {


Accept unlimited connections from the whitelist users






set clientip [IP::remote_addr]


set now [clock second]


if { [ info exists ::spammers($clientip) ] } {


if { $::blocktime > [expr { $now - $::spammers($clientip) }] } {


the user tries to connect in the blocktime period


set ::spammers($clientip) $now


TCP::respond "550 Message Rejected - Too Much spam/r/n"


log local0. "The user tries to send while in the block period - $clientip"








else {


the timeout has expired free the user from the list


unset ::spammers($clientip)


log local0. "The user has been removed from the list - $clientip"






if { [ info exists ::users(nb,$clientip)] } {


if { [expr { $now - $::users(time,$clientip) }] > $::blocktime } {


the last connection was before the timeout period


set ::users(nb,$clientip) 1


set ::users(time,$clientip) $now






else {


the connection was in the timeout


incr ::users(nb,$clientip)


set t $::users(nb,$clientip)


log local0. "the user - $clientip - has been connected $t times"


set ::users(time,$clientip) $now


if { $::users(nb,$clientip) > $::maxconnect } {


the user has exceeded the max no of connections


add him to the spam list


set ::spammers($clientip) $now


set ::users(nb,$clientip) 1


set ::users(time,$clientip) $now



TCP::respond "550 Message Rejected - Too much spam\r\n"


log local0. "this user has started spamming us $clientip "












} else {


new client


set ::users(nb,$clientip) 1


set ::users(time,$clientip) $now


log local0. "this is user has just connected - $clientip"








Thanks for the help

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