Forum Discussion

Walter_Kacynski's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Dec 24, 2014

AAA Active Directory Pool Configuration

I have noticed that when I use the Pool option for AAA priority group activation is established and the last member added to the pool has the highest priority. I don't really want priority group activation enabled. I can edit the pool directly, however when I update the AAA configuration all of my custom pool changes are lost. Is this by design and why? What is a workaround? I saw that in version 10.1 is was suggested to create an internal VS for AD load balancing and then point the AAA configuration to this VS. I'm wondering if this should still be the approach under 11.5.1 ? And the Pool option should be abandoned altogether.


Any guidance would be appreciated.




1 Reply

  • the fact that last added AAA server has higher priority is not optimal. A RFE has been opened to change that non-logical behaviour and have top-to-down priority order


    Bug 439594 : track the confusing order of the pool members in the list


    AAA pools are HA only. If you want load-balancing, you must create a VS and its pool on your BIG-IP and use that VS in your AAA server configuration.


    At this point, all 11.x releases behave like that