Forum Discussion

Leo's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 27, 2013

Clearing machine cache

Hello all,


Today we are using a TMSH command to clear the machines cache by running:


delete ltm profile ramcache http-wan-optimized-compression-caching-cache



I want to be able to do this using an iRule, is there an equivalent command? or maybe a way to run TMSH command from an iRule?


4 Replies

  • Yep.
  • Leo's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
    So we're talking about 11.4?


    Isn't there something similar to that tmsh command in iRule?
  • spark_86682's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    There isn't directly, no. However, you can do something clever with CACHE_REQUEST, CACHE::age, and CACHE::expire. I can't code this up for you, but will describe how to do it. Basically, when you clear the cache at a certain time, any documents that were cached before that time get expired. You can do that in iRules, just not all at once. You would have some variable which contains a timestamp which is the last time you cleared the cache, and for each request you just check if the age of the document is longer than "time since cache was cleared" (which you do with CACHE::age, the clock command, and some math), and call CACHE::expire if it is. Then you need some way of updating that variable whenever you want to clear the cache. You probably want to store the variable in the session table, also.
  • Leo's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
    Thanks for the responses!

    I eventually used the user_alert.conf file, here's what I did:


     Delete cache on request, based on source IP
     iRule log triggers /config/user_alert.conf
     to clear the cache!
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
     Check URI
    if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] contains "delete-cache-now" } {
    set ip1 a.a.a.a/32
    set ip2 b.b.b.b/32
    set ip3 c.c.c.c/32
     Check Source IP
    if { [IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals $ip1] or [IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals $ip2] or [IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals $ip3] } {
    HTTP::respond 200 content "Cache CleanHello [IP::client_addr]
    Cache cleaned!"
    log local0. "EVENT-CACHE-DELETE-REQUEST-GOOD!!! - IP [IP::client_addr]"
     Stop processing iRules for this connection
    event disable


    alert Delete-Cache-Request "EVENT-CACHE-DELETE-REQUEST-GOOD!!!" {
        exec command="tmsh -c 'delete ltm profile ramcache http-wan-optimized-compression-caching-cache'"