Forum Discussion

sundogbrew's avatar
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Jan 23, 2017

Cookie persistence Irule

Hey Guys, I am having a similar problem to that posted in this link

So I am working on getting a window to test these Irules written in there. My question is how would I insert a timeout value into those rules?

iRule 1: Creating multiple UIE table entries for each of the cookies

    if { [HTTP::cookie value "JSESSIONID"] ne "" } then {
        persist uie [HTTP::cookie value "JSESSIONID"]
    if { [HTTP::cookie exists "JSESSIONID"] } then {
        foreach cookie_value [lsearch -inline -all -glob [HTTP::header values "Set-Cookie"] "JSESSIONID=*"] {
            persist add uie [findstr $cookie_value "=" 1 ";"]

iRule 2: De-duplicating redundant cookies (according to RFC 6265) before executing [persist uie]

    if { [HTTP::cookie value "JSESSIONID"] ne "" } then {
        persist uie [HTTP::cookie value "JSESSIONID"]
    if { [HTTP::cookie exists "JSESSIONID"] } then {
        foreach cookie_value [lsearch -inline -all -glob [HTTP::header values "Set-Cookie"] "JSESSIONID=*"] {
            HTTP::cookie remove "JSESSIONID"
        HTTP::header insert "Set-Cookie" $cookie_value
        persist add uie [HTTP::cookie value "JSESSIONID"]

Thanks as always! Joe

4 Replies

  • persist uie  []

    persist add   []

    Reference link.

    You can also attach the iRule to a Universal Persistence Profile and configure timeout value in the persistence profile instead of the iRule.

  • Joe,

    Timeout value is configured in "persist add uie" command in seconds.

    E.g. when you add a persistence record to the table you define how long it should live there.

    In your case for example for a 10-minute (600 second) timeout :

    persist add uie [HTTP::cookie value "JSESSIONID"] 600

    Re: persistence not working - make sure you have OneConnect profile enabled on the virtual server. Without it the load-balancing decision is made upon the TCP connection (e.g. way BEFORE any cookies can be read).

    Here is the KnowledgeBase article for your reference:

    Hope this helps,


  • Joe,

    Timeout value is configured in "persist add uie" command in seconds.

    E.g. when you add a persistence record to the table you define how long it should live there.

    In your case for example for a 10-minute (600 second) timeout :

    persist add uie [HTTP::cookie value "JSESSIONID"] 600

    Re: persistence not working - make sure you have OneConnect profile enabled on the virtual server. Without it the load-balancing decision is made upon the TCP connection (e.g. way BEFORE any cookies can be read).

    Here is the KnowledgeBase article for your reference:

    Hope this helps,


  • I noticed you had problems with Oracle Forms after upgrading to the F5 to version 12. HttpOnly was added as an enabled default in version 12 which I missed. Try making a cookie with that feature disabled, and things should work again. Browsers other than IE won't pass the flag, and Oracle has marked it as "Won't Fix".



    I also noticed the Secure attribute caused a similar problem when I tried to exit the Oracle Forms applet, so disabling that might help fix other issues.