Forum Discussion

draco's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 14, 2018

Response page coming in IE and not in chrome


I am facing a very wierd issue, i created irule which checks for uri and parameter value and checks if a specific asm violation is occurred , then to send a customized response page instead of default page in ASM. It is working completely fine in IE but not in chrome. When i do fiddler, i can see the response in fiddler as well for the traffic intercepted on chrome.

Below is the Irule

  set reqBlock 0
  if { ([HTTP::uri] == "/") } {
        HTTP::redirect https://[HTTP::host]/xyz/
    elseif {([HTTP::uri] starts_with "/abc") and ([URI::query [HTTP::uri] p] equals "PersonalSettings/Password.aspx")}{
    set reqBlock 1
set x [ASM::violation_data]
  if { $reqBlock == 1 } {
    if {([lindex $x 0] contains "VIOLATION_OBJ_DOESNT_EXIST")} {
  set response "ACCESS DENIEDDear Userthe custom message . "
      ASM::payload replace 0 [ASM::payload length] ""
      ASM::payload replace 0 0 $response

  Can any one please help me as to what could be causing the issue in chrome ? is it expecting a header but isnt it wierd that i see the traffic in fiddler and not in chrome. When i stop fiddler and then access the page , still itsnt working..

Below is the fiddler output

![Image Text](/Portals/0/Users/041/61/184361/Untitled.png?ver=2018-06-14-015348-597)

1 Reply

  • Hi,


    I already had this kind of behaviour with chrome. could you update your browser if it's not done ...

