Forum Discussion

SteveEason's avatar
Mar 21, 2017

Need to restrict an iRule from passing external traffic, only internal.

We have a situation where we are using an iRule that when there are requests to a subfolder on a site, it redirects to a subfolder. Here is the iRule we are using.


if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/subfolder" } { the node command directs the request to the server whether or not it is behind the BigIP. Make sure the BigIP has a route to that server. node }


So this rule, if a request comes through like ";, it gets re-routed to the node It works just fine. EXCEPT one problem.


Turns out the site should not be open to the internet, only to internal servers. I need to add a conditional statement that only allows internal traffic to pass. All internal servers are in a 10.X.X.X subnet. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this in the iRule?


1 Reply

  • Maybe something like this:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/subfolder" && [IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals] } {
             the node command directs the request to the server 
             whether or not it is behind the BigIP. Make sure the BigIP 
             has a route to that server. 