Forum Discussion

Misty_Spillers's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 19, 2017

APM Portal not working correctly after upgrade of PeopleSoft

New version of PeopleSoft info: (PORTAL) – version 9.1 (People Tools - 8.55.06) (HCM) – version 9.2 (People Tools - 8.55.06)


The older version has been running fine under an APM portal all this time. When I look at HTTPWatch is gets to a point when loading the page where for some reason it drops the rewriting and tries to send the link normally. According to a packet capture this sends the request out to the Internet and back to the external address of the portal causing a reset.


I know rewrite problems in APM can be tricky to solve so I'm pretty desperate and will to look into any way of making this work for now.


If anyone has any ideas how to troubleshoot the rewrite issue or any other ideas, like turning off rewrites altogether to get this working for now please let me know. I do have a support ticket in but this community is amazing so figured I'd ask here to.


Thanks! Misty


1 Reply

  • This simple iRule from PD solved my issue, they said it was to try to disable the java script workers.

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      if { [ HTTP::path ] contains "PT_WORKER_MIN_" } {
        HTTP::respond 200 content {
          addEventListener('message', received);function received(e) {