Forum Discussion

Reginald_Sible1's avatar
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Nov 29, 2016

GTM load balancing based on internal interprise location

Our organization is looking to use GTM to load balance PKI request across our enterprise data centers based on location or source IP. However the network segments don't always determine where a user is coming from. What other GTM Load Balancing methods are available to load balance a user based on internal location?


2 Replies

  • I think you would be restricted to using the Topology LB method and defining your own regions of subnets based on your network architecture.


    If a particular segment is masking the origin Client IP then a region defined for that gateway to the nearest PKI resource would be the best you would get IMO.


  • You probably know this but something to keep in mind - GTM load balances the queries from the LDNS server and not the end-user.