Forum Discussion

Mohamed_Lrhazi's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Dec 31, 2008

extract method description for the DLL?


In this screenshot:



Can anyone tell me where did the string "Gets a list of all pools" in the tooltip came from?



am looking for the way to extract those strings both in .NET and in Java, using reflection APIs.



Thanks a lot.




2 Replies

  • That tooltip is in the documentation element in the WSDL files. They are included in the client proxy code when WSDL2Java are run and then must be able to be extracted from the dev tools. Here's the relevant LocalLB.Pool.get_list() proxy code for Java.





      * Gets a list of all pools. 
     public java.lang.String[] get_list() throws java.rmi.RemoteException { 
       if (super.cachedEndpoint == null) { 
         throw new org.apache.axis.NoEndPointException(); 
       org.apache.axis.client.Call _call = createCall(); 



    For .Net, it seems the documentation is not included in the proxy code.


