Forum Discussion

Cristiano_Costa's avatar
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Jan 27, 2017

Problems using ASM and Web Accelerator/AAM

Hello everyone,


I am having problems to get the ASM module to work with the Web Accelarator / AAM.


The article describes some conditions for both modules to work together. As described in the document, in my setup if bigip receives a valid request and does not generate a violation the cache works.


However, if an invalid request is received and generates a violation, all other valid requests for the same URL are no longer cached. This happens regardless the request origin.


For example, consider requests for . All valid requests for "/index.html" are cached. However, at the moment a request for "/index.html" generates a violation, any other valid request for "/index.html" are no longer cached.


That seems odd to me.


Is this an expected behavior? Or am I missing something?




I'm using Bigip VE 12.1.2


To run the tests, I created an empty ASM policy and activated the signature attack: Automated client access curl. This policy prevents users from using command line "curl" to access the home page. So, I did:


  1. From machine 1, I access the URL from a valid browser. I verified that the request was cached.
  2. From machine 2, I access the URL using the "curl". I verified that the request was NOT cached and the ASM reported a violation.
  3. From machine 1, I access the URL from a valid browser. I verified that request was NOT cached and the ASM did not raise any violation for this request.
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