Forum Discussion

Andy_Litzinger's avatar
Dec 19, 2012

Unable to set virtual mirror connection state to DISABLED



I've got a simple ruby iControl script that can successfully enable connection mirroring on a virutal server, but trying to set the state to DISABLED fails. In fact trying to set the mirror state to STATE_DISABLED on a virtual server that already has the mirror state disabled will actually ENABLE the mirror connection state!


i'm pretty sure i'm using the gem, but i have both the gem and the gem installed and i'm not sure how to specify/tell which is being used. I'm using Ruby v1.9.2


Here is my sample code- the mirror state value is hardcoded inside the script. in case the wiki messes up the formating, you can find the script here:




require "rubygems"


require "f5-icontrol"


require "getoptlong"


require "rdoc/usage"



options =


[ "--bigip-address", "-b", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],


[ "--bigip-user", "-u", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],


[ "--bigip-pass", "-p", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],


[ "--vs-name", "-n", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],


[ "--help", "-h", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ]





bigip_address = ''


bigip_user = ''


bigip_pass = ''


vs_name = ''



options.each do |option, arg|


case option


when "--bigip-address"


bigip_address = arg


when "--bigip-user"


bigip_user = arg


when "--bigip-pass"


bigip_pass = arg


when "--vs-name"


vs_name = arg







RDoc::usage if bigip_address.empty? or bigip_user.empty? or bigip_pass.empty? or vs_name.empty?



Initiate SOAP RPC connection to BIG-IP


bigip =, bigip_user, bigip_pass, ["LocalLB.VirtualServer", "LocalLB.Pool"]).get_interfaces


puts 'Connected to BIG-IP at "' + bigip_address + '" with username "' + bigip_user + '" and password "' + bigip_pass + '"...'







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