Forum Discussion

Modena_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 03, 2018

APM w/o javascript (access APM VIP from a script)

Hi all, I have an APM policy which is using certificate authentication, and an OCSP check. I have this bit working, but the thing is, this VIP sits in front of an API which gets accessed programmatically (HTTPS) from a script in whatever language - not from a browser. When I try to access it I get back the APM error message of "Javascript is not enabled in your browser...blah blah blah". There is no logon page, the APM policy is just on-demand cert auth followed by the OCSP check.


How do I get rid of this javascript nonsense?


I first had tried not using APM, and doing a certificate authentication profile, but I understand that is old school and deprecated, and I couldn't get the OCSP to work anyway. The APM policy with cert/OCSP is working, and have confirmed by packet capturing the OCSP conversation. But I do not know how to stop the javascript browser detection which I have no need for as there is no logon page....


Many thanks for any assistance you can offer.


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