Forum Discussion

1 Reply

  • Hello,

    Perhaps this example will cover your needs:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        set uri [HTTP::uri]
        if { [HTTP::path] starts_with "/accounting" } {
            pool accounting_servers
        elseif { [info exists goto_legacy] } {
            unset goto_legacy
            pool legacy_servers
        } else {
            pool responsive_servers
    when LB_SELECTED {
        log local0. "URI: $uri | Selected pool: [LB::server pool]"
    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
        if { [HTTP::status] eq 404 } {
            if { [LB::server pool] ends_with "responsive_servers" } {
                set goto_legacy 1
                HTTP::respond 302 -version auto noserver Location $uri X-Retry-Response 404

    It flags a variable on failed attempt to responsive servers and then redirect to new attempt on legacy servers using the same connection.

    Maybe that helps but I don't know it's the best thing to do. (But I can't think of another 😕 )

    Please, tell me if it solves or there are a better solution.

    Kind regards.