Forum Discussion

Juerg_Wiesmann's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 05, 2009

Authenticate only Email Adress out of SSL Cert against LDAP

I want to authenticate only Email Adress out of the subjectstring of a certificate to authenticate against LDAP. This seams to fail. Is there a way to achive that ?

It seams that allways the whole Cert or the CN is sent to LDAP for verification and there is no way to limit the input to a certain part of the cert.

Many thanks for your help


          set tmm_auth_ssl_cc_ldap_sid 0  
          set tmm_auth_ssl_cc_ldap_done 0  
    set tmm_auth_ssl_cc_ldap_done 0  
    set cert [SSL::cert 0]  
    set email [substr [X509::subject $cert] 13 ","]    
    log local0. "Email: $email"    
  if {$tmm_auth_ssl_cc_ldap_sid == 0} {  
          set tmm_auth_ssl_cc_ldap_sid [AUTH::start pam default_ssl_cc_ldap]  
              if {[info exists tmm_auth_subscription]} {  
                  AUTH::subscribe $tmm_auth_ssl_cc_ldap_sid  
          AUTH::cert_credential $tmm_auth_ssl_cc_ldap_sid [SSL::cert 0]  
          AUTH::authenticate $tmm_auth_ssl_cc_ldap_sid  
          SSL::handshake hold  
          set tmm_auth_ssl_cc_ldap_done 1  
      when AUTH_RESULT {  
          if {[info exists tmm_auth_ssl_cc_ldap_sid] and \  
              ($tmm_auth_ssl_cc_ldap_sid == [AUTH::last_event_session_id])} {  
              set tmm_auth_status [AUTH::status]  
              if {$tmm_auth_status == 0} {  
                  set tmm_auth_ssl_cc_ldap_done 1  
                  SSL::handshake resume  
              } elseif {$tmm_auth_status != -1 || $tmm_auth_ssl_cc_ldap_done == 0} {  

1 Reply

  • Hi Colin,

    I tried to get the email Adress out of the cert, which works pretty fine.

    What I do not want is the basic authentication Window to appear, Du to the fact that I want to take

    the Email Address out of the cert.

       when RULE_INIT {  
      set username ""  
      set ::aeskey [AES::key 128]  
      when CLIENT_ACCEPTED {  
          set forceauth 1  
      set tmm_auth_ssl_cc_ldap_done 0  
      set subject_dn [X509::subject [SSL::cert 0]]  
      set cert [SSL::cert 0]  
      set username [substr  $subject_dn 13 ","]  
      log local0. "username: $username"  
      when HTTP_REQUEST {  
              if {not [info exists tmm_auth_http_sids(ldap)]} {  
                  set tmm_auth_sid [AUTH::start pam default_ldap]  
                  set tmm_auth_http_sids(ldap) $tmm_auth_sid  
                  if {[info exists tmm_auth_subscription]} {  
                      AUTH::subscribe $tmm_auth_sid  
      log local0. "info"  
              } else {  
                  set tmm_auth_sid $tmm_auth_http_sids(ldap)  
      if {$forceauth eq 1} {  
      [HTTP::header insert "Authorization" $username]  
      AUTH::username_credential $tmm_auth_sid [HTTP::username]  
      AUTH::password_credential $tmm_auth_sid ""  
      AUTH::authenticate $tmm_auth_sid  
              if {not [info exists tmm_auth_http_collect_count]} {  
                  set tmm_auth_http_successes 0  
                  set tmm_auth_http_collect_count 1  
              } else {  
                  incr tmm_auth_http_collect_count  
      when AUTH_SUCCESS {  
        if {$tmm_auth_sid eq [AUTH::last_event_session_id]} {  
           Now the user has authenticated lets give them an encrypted cookie with their authID  
           We'll also add the AUTH::status to a session entry with the authID as the key  
           We can then re-direct the user to the page they originally asked for  
          set authStatus [AUTH::status $tmm_auth_sid]   
          session add uie $tmm_auth_sid $authStatus 1800  
          set encrypted_tmm_auth_sid [b64encode [AES::encrypt $::aeskey $tmm_auth_sid]]  
          set authcookie [format "%s=%s; path=/; " $ckname $encrypted_tmm_auth_sid ]  
          HTTP::respond 302 Location $orig_uri "Set-Cookie" $authcookie  
      when AUTH_FAILURE {  
        if {$tmm_auth_sid eq [AUTH::last_event_session_id]} {  
                 HTTP::respond 200 content "Authentication Failed"   
        if {$tmm_auth_sid eq [AUTH::last_event_session_id]} {  
        log local0. "username: $username"  
                 HTTP::respond 200 content "Authentication Credentials not provided"  
      when AUTH_ERROR {  
        if {$tmm_auth_sid eq [AUTH::last_event_session_id]} {  
        HTTP::respond 200 content "Authentication Error"  

    The Challenge I am facing is the [HTTP::username] Value is not predictable (therefor can not be created out of the Email Adress by just base64 encode the $username value.

    Any help appreciated.
