Forum Discussion

aefting's avatar
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May 07, 2019

Using iRules with DTLS

Per F5 support, I've implemented DTLS for our Network Access APM VPN connections. The problem is that I have an irule that evidently needs an HTTP profile to work and I don't have that available in my DTLS virtual server. Here is the error I'm getting:


01071912:3: ACCESS::restrict_irule_events in rule (/Common/EmoryLogging) requires an associated ACCESS profile on the virtual-server (/Common/EmoryVPN_DTLS_vs).


Any ideas on how to fix this? I'll post my irule below.


2 Replies

  • Hi,


    I see your post is 4 months old and I am trying to find a solution to this issue as well.

    Have you found a solution or are you still looking for one?


  • Here is my irule:

    when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { This is required to allow HTTP_REQUEST event to key off of APM internal URI ACCESS::restrict_irule_events disable }


     After VPE policy is completed, check if user has been denied. A session variable of "session.custom.denyreason" is set in the VPE to provide an errorcode for logging purposes
     Note that ACCESS::policy result isn't evaluated in the ACCESS_SESSION_CLOSED event. Placing the logging here removes the need to create a new session variable containing the result.
    if {[ACCESS::policy result] equals "deny"} {
          catch {set starttime [ACCESS::session data get "session.user.starttime"]}
          catch {set userip [ACCESS::session data get "session.user.clientip"]}
          catch {set username [ACCESS::session data get "session.logon.last.username"]}
          catch {set sessionid [ACCESS::session data get "session.user.sessionid"]}
                  catch {set assignedip [ACCESS::session data get "session.assigned.clientip"]}
                  catch {set assignedresources [ACCESS::session data get ""]}
          catch {set geolocationcountry [ACCESS::session data get "session.user.ipgeolocation.country_name"]}
          catch {set platform [ACCESS::session data get "session.client.platform"]}
                  catch {set avstatus [ACCESS::session data get "AVcheckFailed"]}
                  catch {set fwstatus [ACCESS::session data get "FWcheckFailed"]}
          catch {set browser [ACCESS::session data get "session.client.type"]}
          catch {set version [ACCESS::session data get "session.client.version"]}
          catch {set url [ACCESS::session data get ""]}
                  catch {set macaddr [ACCESS::session data get "session.last.usermac"]}
          catch {set denyreason [ACCESS::session data get "session.custom.denyreason"]}  
          log local0. "Denied ([clock format $starttime -format {%d %b %Y %T %Z}]|$assignedresources|$sessionid|$username|$userip|$assignedip|$geolocationcountry|$avstatus|$fwstatus|$platform|$browser|$version|$url|$denyreason|$macaddr)"

    } } when HTTP_REQUEST {

     The "session.assigned.clientip" is assigned after ACCESS_POLICY_COMPLETED and before ACCESS_SESSION_CLOSED. In order to capture it, we key off of an internal URI 
     hit by client when VPN is established. We wait a few seconds for the lease pool IP address to be assigned and then log the address here. 
    if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/myvpn?sess=" } {
        after 5000 {
        catch {set starttime [ACCESS::session data get "session.user.starttime"]}
        catch {set userip [ACCESS::session data get "session.user.clientip"]}
        catch {set username [ACCESS::session data get "session.logon.last.username"]}
        catch {set sessionid [ACCESS::session data get "session.user.sessionid"]}
        catch {set assignedip [ACCESS::session data get "session.assigned.clientip"]}
        catch {set assignedresources [ACCESS::session data get ""]}
        catch {set geolocationcountry [ACCESS::session data get "session.user.ipgeolocation.country_name"]}
        catch {set platform [ACCESS::session data get "session.client.platform"]}
                catch {set avstatus [ACCESS::session data get "AVcheckFailed"]}
                catch {set fwstatus [ACCESS::session data get "FWcheckFailed"]}
        catch {set browser [ACCESS::session data get "session.client.type"]}
        catch {set version [ACCESS::session data get "session.client.version"]}
        catch {set url [ACCESS::session data get ""]}
                catch {set macaddr [ACCESS::session data get "session.last.usermac"]}
                catch {set denyreason [ACCESS::session data get "session.custom.denyreason"]} 
        log local0. "Established ([clock format $starttime -format {%d %b %Y %T %Z}]|$assignedresources|$sessionid|$username|$userip|$assignedip|$geolocationcountry|$avstatus|$fwstatus|$platform|$browser|$version|$url|$denyreason|$macaddr)"
