OWASP Tactical Access Defense Series: Broken Function Level Authorization (BFLA)
Broken Function Level Authorization (BFLA) is a type of security vulnerability in web applications where an attacker can access functionality or perform actions they should not be authorized to perform. This problem happens when an application doesn’t check access control on functions or endpoints correctly. This lets users do things that are not allowed. In this article, we are going through API5 item from OWASP Top 10 API Security risks and exploring F5 BIG-IP Access Policy Manager (APM) as a role in our arsenal Let’s consider our test application for each retail agent to submit their sales data, but without the ability to retrieve any from the system. In HTTP terms, the retail agent can POST but not allowed to perform GET, while the manager can perform GET to check agents performance, and collected data. Mitigating Risks with BIG-IP APM BIG-IP APM per-request granularity: with per-request granularity, organizations can dynamically enforce access policies based on various factors such as user identity, device characteristics, and contextual information. This enables organizations to implement fine-grained access controls at the API level, mitigating the risks associated with Broken Function Level Authorization. Key Features: Dynamic Access Control Policies: BIG-IP APM empowers organizations to define dynamic access control policies that adapt to changing conditions in real-time. By evaluating each API request against these policies, BIG-IP APM ensures that authorized users can only perform specific authorized functions (actions) on specified resources. Granular Authorization Rules: BIG-IP APM enables organizations to define granular authorization rules that govern access to individual objects or resources within the API ecosystem. By enforcing strict permission checks at the object level, F5 BIG-IP APM prevents unauthorized functions. Related Content F5 BIG-IP Access Policy Manager | F5 Introduction to OWASP API Security Top 10 2023 OWASP Top 10 API Security Risks – 2023 - OWASP API Security Top 10 API Protection Concepts OWASP Tactical Access Defense Series: How BIG-IP APM Strengthens Defenses Against OWASP Top 10 OWASP Tactical Access Defense Series: Broken Object-Level Authorization and BIG-IP APM F5 Hybrid Security Architectures (Part 5 - F5 XC, BIG-IP APM, CIS, and NGINX Ingress Controller) OWASP Tactical Access Defense Series: Broken Authentication and BIG-IP APM OWASP Tactical Access Defense Series: Broken Object Property-Level Authorization and BIG-IP APM OWASP Tactical Access Defense Series: Unrestricted Resource Consumption100Views0likes0CommentsF5 Hybrid Security Architectures: Part 3 F5 XC API Protection and NGINX Ingress
Here in this example solution, we will be using DevSecOps practices to deploy an AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster running the Arcadia Finance test web application serviced by F5 NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes. For protection, will provide API Discovery and Security with F5 Distributed Cloud's Web App and API Protection service. Introduction: For those of you following along with the F5 Hybrid Security Architectures series, welcome back! If this is your first foray into the series and would like some background, have a look at the intro article. This series is using theF5 Hybrid Security ArchitecturesGitHub repo and CI/CD platform to deploy F5 based hybrid security solutions based on DevSecOps principles. This repo is a community supported effort to provide not only a demo and workshop, but also a stepping stone for utilizing these practicesin your own F5 deployments. If you find any bugs or have any enhancement requests, open a issue or better yet contribute! API Security: APIs are an integral part of our daily routine, facilitating everything from critical to mundane tasks. From banking and ride-sharing apps to the weather updates we check before stepping out, APIs enable these functionalities. Given the sensitive nature of the data that can be exposed by unprotected APIs, the need for effective security cannot be stressed enough. With F5 Distributed Cloud Web App and API protection security teams can discover, inventory, and secure these critical APIs. Here in this example solution, we will be using DevSecOps practices to deploy an AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster running the Brewz test web application serviced by F5 NGINX Ingress Controller. To secure our application and APIs, we will deploy F5 Distributed Cloud's Web App and API Protection service. This will provide us API Discovery and Security as well as a traditional Web Application Firewall and Malicious User Detection. Distributed Cloud WAAP:Available for SaaS-based deploymentsand provides comprehensive security solutions designed to safeguard web applications and APIs from a wide range of cyber threats. This solution utilizes a distributed cloud architecture, which enables it to provide real-time protection and scale to meet the needs of large enterprises. NIGNX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes: A lightweight software solution that helps manage app connectivity at the edge of a Kubernetes cluster by directing requests to the appropriate services and pods. It provides advanced load balancing, routing, identity, and security, as well as montioring and observability features. XC WAAP + NGINX Ingress Controller Workflow GitHub Repo: F5 Hybrid Security Architectures Prerequisites: F5 Distributed Cloud Account (F5 XC) Create an F5 XC API certificate NGINX Ingress Controller license AWS Account- Due to the assets being created, free tier will not work. Terraform Cloud Account GitHub Account Assets xc: F5 Distributed Cloud WAAP nic:NGINX Ingress Controller infra: AWS Infrastructure (VPC, IGW, etc.) eks:AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service brewz: Brewz SPA test web application Tools Cloud Provider: AWS Infrastructure as Code: Terraform Infrastructure as Code State: Terraform Cloud CI/CD: GitHub Actions Terraform Cloud Workspaces: Create a workspace for each asset in the workflow chosen Workflow: xc-nic Workspaces: infra, eks, nic, brewz, xc Your Terraform Cloud console should resemble the following: Variable Set: Create a Variable Set with the following values. IMPORTANT:Ensure sensitive values are appropriatelymarked. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: Your AWS Access Key ID - Environment Variable AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: Your AWS Secret Access Key - Environment Variable AWS_SESSION_TOKEN: Your AWS Session Token - Environment Variable VOLT_API_P12_FILE: Your F5 XC API certificate. Set this to api.p12 - Environment Variable VES_P12_PASSWORD: Set this to the password you supplied when creating your F5 XC API key - Environment Variable nginx_jwt: Your NGINX Java Web Token associatedwith your NGINX license - Terraform Variable ssh_key: Your ssh key for access to created compute assets - Terrraform Variable tf_cloud_organization: Your Terraform Cloud Organization name - Terraform Variable Your Variable Set should resemble the following: GitHub Fork and Clone Repo:F5 Hybrid Security Architectures ctions Secrets: Create the following GitHub Actions secrets in your forked repo XC_P12: The base64 encoded F5 XC API certificate TF_API_TOKEN: Your Terraform Cloud API token TF_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION: Your Terraform Cloud Organization TF_CLOUD_WORKSPACE_workspace: Create for each workspace used in your workflow. EX:TF_CLOUD_WORKSPACE_XCwould be created with the value xc Your GitHub Actions Secrets should resemble the following: Setup Deployment Branch and Terraform Local Variables: Step 1: Check out a branch for the deploy workflow using the following naming convention xc-nic deployment branch: deploy-xcapi-nic Step 2:Rename infra/terraform.tfvars.examples to infra/terraform.tfvars and add the following data #Global project_prefix = "Your project identifier" resource_owner = "You" #AWS aws_region = "Your AWS region" ex: us-west-1 azs = "Your AWS availability zones" ex: ["us-west-1a", "us-west-1b"] #Assets nic = true nap = false bigip = false bigip-cis = false Step 3: Rename xc/terraform.tfvars.examples to xc/terraform.tfvars and add the following data #XC Global api_url = "https://.console.ves.volterra.io/api" xc_tenant = "Your XC Tenant Name" xc_namespace = "Your XC namespace" #XC LB app_domain = "Your App Domain" #XC WAF xc_waf_blocking = true #XC AI/ML Settings for MUD, APIP - NOTE: Only set if using AI/ML settings from the shared namespace xc_app_type = [] xc_multi_lb = false #XC API Protection and Discovery xc_api_disc = true xc_api_pro = true xc_api_spec = ["Path to uploaded API spec"] *See below screen shot for how to obtain this value. #XC Bot Defense xc_bot_def = false #XC DDoS xc_ddos = false #XC Malicious User Detection xc_mud = true For Path to API Spec navigate to Manage->Files->Swagger Files, click the three dots next to your OAS, and choose "Copy Latest Version's URL". Paste this into the xc_api_spec in the xc/terraform.tfvars. Step 4: Modify line 16 in the .gitignore and comment out the *.tfvars line with # and save the file Step 5: Commit your changes Deployment: Step 1: Push your deploy branch to the forked repo Step 2:Back in GitHub, navigate to the Actions tab of your forked repo and monitor your build Step 3: Once the pipeline completes, verify your assets were deployed to AWS and F5 XC Step 4:Check your Terraform Outputs for XC and verify your app is available by navigating to the FQDN API Discovery andSecurity Dashboards: After leaving the Brewz test app deployed for a while we can start to see the API graph form. The F5 XC WAAP platform learns the schema structure of the API by analyzing sampled request data, then reverse-engineering the schema to generates an OpenAPI spec. The platform validates what is deploy versus what is discovered and tags any Shadow APIs that are found. We can also check the dashboards for any attacks that may have occurred while we were waiting for discovery to finish. The internet being what it is, it didn't take long for the platform to protect us against some attacks. Deployment Teardown: Step 1:From your deployment branch check out a branch for the destroy workflow using the following naming convention xc-nic destroy branch: destroy-xcapi-nic Step 2: Push your destroy branch to the forked repo Step 3: Back in GitHub, navigate to the Actions tab of your forked repo and monitor your build Step 4:Once the pipeline completes, verify your assets were destroyed Conclusion: In this article we have shown how to utilize the F5 Hybrid Security Architectures GitHub repo and CI/CD pipeline to deploy a tiered security architecture utilizing F5 XC WAAP and NGINX Ingress Controller to protect a test API running in AWS EKS. While the code and security policies deployed are generic and not inclusive of all use-cases, they can be used as a steppingstone for deploying F5 based hybrid architectures in your own environments. Workloads are increasingly deployed across multiple diverse environments and application architectures. Organizations need the ability to protect their essential applications regardless of deployment or architecture circumstances. Equally important is the need to deploy these protections with the same flexibility and speed as the apps they protect. With the F5 WAF portfolio, coupled with DevSecOps principles, organizations can deploy and maintain industry-leading security without sacrificing the time to value of their applications. Not only can Edge and Shift Left principles exist together, but they can also work in harmony to provide a more effective security solution. Article Series: F5 Hybrid Security Architectures (Intro - One WAF Engine, Total Flexibility) F5 Hybrid Security Architectures (Part 1 - F5's Distributed Cloud WAF and BIG-IP Advanced WAF) F5 Hybrid Security Architectures (Part 2 - F5's Distributed Cloud WAF and NGINX App Protect WAF) F5 Hybrid Security Architectures (Part 3 - F5 XC API Protection and NGINX Ingress Controller) F5 Hybrid Security Architectures (Part 4 - F5 XC BOT and DDoS Defense and BIG-IP Advanced WAF) F5 Hybrid Security Architectures (Part 5 - F5 XC, BIG-IP APM, CIS, and NGINX Ingress Controller) For further information or to get started: F5 Distributed Cloud Platform (Link) F5 Distributed Cloud WAAP Services (Link) F5 Distributed Cloud WAAP YouTube series (Link) F5 Distributed Cloud WAAP Get Started (Link)5KViews5likes2CommentsEasily Protect Your Applications from DDoS with F5 Distributed Cloud DDoS Auto-Mitigation
Introduction: F5 Distributed Cloud DDoS Mitigation leverages a globally secured network with Regional Edges (RE), hosted in scrubbing data centers, interconnected across a dedicated, multi-terabit, redundant, private backbone, operated by Tier 1 Carriers. There have been several articles written about F5 Distributed Cloud (XC) DDoS and how to quickly protect your applications using this service. These covered Fast ACL’s to quickly protect yourself from Layer 3 and Layer 4 Network attacks and Layer 7 protection of your applications. I will link to those below. These solutions took manual configuration and monitoring and are still necessary for a complete layered approach to protecting your applications. This article will show how we continue to make DDoS and the configuration easier by introducing you to F5 XC DDoS Auto-Mitigation feature. The platform itself offers immediate mitigation through our auto-mitigation edge protection (Layer 3/4). This architectural enhancement sits at the edge of our network and the underlying strength of this solution stems from it’s incredibly fast Time to Mitigate (TTM) the most common attack vectors. Then to make this solution even more robust, I am going to show you how to add that same feature, protecting your application at Layer 7. Configuration: This article will assume you have a F5 Distributed Cloud Console Account and have already configured a HTTP Load Balancer that is protecting an application. Log In: Select Load Balancers Verify the correct Namespace I currently have 3 Load Balancers to choose from, your environment may be different. Click the 3 ellipses on the right side of the page of the Load Balancer you wish to add DoS Protection to. When the fly-out appears, select Manage Configuration. Notice along the left side are all the configuration items available for your Load Balancer. To Edit click the Edit Configuration to the right. Once you click Edit Configuration, you can either scroll down to DoS Protection or click the Dos Protection label on the left side. Initially DoS Protection is Disabled. Enable DoS protection Next Enable Auto Mitigation. Scroll to the bottom and select Save and Exit. Conclusion I was able to demonstrate to you how to very simply and with very little effort you are able to protect yourself from Dos Attacks using F5’s leading DoS Solution delivered as a SaaS Service. We have simplified our solution to allow customers who have struggled in the past with manual configuration to easily add DoS protection. For further information or to get started: F5 Distributed Cloud WAAP YouTube series (Link) F5 Distributed Cloud WAAP Services (Link) F5 Distributed Cloud WAAP Get Started (Link) Fast ACL (Link) YouTube Video (Link)3.8KViews4likes1CommentF5 Hybrid Security Architectures (Part 2 - F5's Distributed Cloud WAF and NGINX App Protect WAF)
Here in this example solution, we will be using Terraform to deploy an AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service cluster running the Arcadia Finance test web application serviced by F5 NGINX Kubernetes Ingress Controller and protected by NGINX App Protect WAF. We will supplement this with F5 Distributed Cloud Web App and API Protection to provide complimentary security at the edge. Everything will be tied together using GitHub Actions for CI/CD and Terraform Cloud to maintain state.5KViews4likes0CommentsF5 Hybrid Security Architectures: One WAF Engine, Total Flexibility (Intro)
Layered security, we have been told for years that the most effective security strategy is composed of multiple, loosely coupled or independent layers of security controls. A WAF fits snuggly into the technical security controls area and has long been known as an essential piece of application security. What if we take this further and apply the layered approach directly to our WAF deployment? The F5 Hybrid Security Architectures explores this approach utilizing F5's best in class WAF products.7.7KViews10likes0CommentsAccess Troubleshooting: BIG-IP APM OIDC integration
Introduction Troubleshooting Access use cases can be challenging due to the interconnected components used to achieve such use cases. A simple example for Active Directory authentication can go through below challenges, DNS resolution of Domain Controller (DC) configured. Reachability between F5 and DC. Communication ports used. Domain account privileges. Looking at the issue of non-working Active Directory (AD) authentication is a complex task, yet looking at each component to verify the functionality is much easier and shows output the influence further troubleshooting actions. Implementation and troubleshooting We discussed the implementation of OpenID Connect over here Let's discuss here how we can troubleshoot issues in OIDC implementation, here's a summary of the main points we are checking Role Troubleshooting main points OAuth Authorization Server DNS resolution for the authentication destination. Routing setup to the authentication system. Authentication configurations and settings. Scope settings. Token signing and settings. OAuth Client DNS resolution for the authorization server. Routing setup. Token settings. Authorization attributes and parameters. OAuth Resource Server Token settings. Scope settings Looking at the main points, you can see the common areas we need to check while troubleshooting OAuth / OIDC solutions, below are the troubleshooting approach we are following, Check the logs. APM logging provides a comprehensive set of logs, the main logs to be checked apm, ltm and tmm. DNS resolution and check DNS resolver settings. Routing setup. Authentication methods settings. OAuth settings and parameters. Check the logs The logs are your true friends when it comes to troubleshooting. We start by creating debug logging profile Overview > Event logs > Setting. Select the target Access Policy to apply the debug profile. Case 1: Connection reset after authentication In this case the below is the connection sequence, User accessing through F5 acting as Client + RS. Users are redirected to OAuth provider for authentication. User is redirected back to F5 but connection resets at this point. Troubleshooting steps: Checking logs by clicking the session ID fromAccess > Overview. From the below logs we can see the logon was successful but somehow the Authorization code wasn’t detected. One main reason would be mismatched settings between Auth server and Client configurations. In our setup I’m using provider flow type as Hybrid and format code-idtoken. Local Time 2024-06-11 06:47:48 Log Message /Common/oidc_google_t1.app/oidc_google_t1:Common:204adb19: Session variable 'session.logon.last.result' set to '1' Partition Common Local Time 2024-06-11 06:47:49 Log Message /Common/oidc_google_t1.app/oidc_google_t1:Common:204adb19: Authorization code not found. Partition Common Checking back the configuration to validate the needed flow type: adjust flow type at the provider settings to beAuthorization Code instead of Hybrid. Case 2: Expired JWT Keys In this case the below is the connection sequence, User accessing through F5 acting as Client + RS. Users are redirected to OAuth provider for authentication. User is redirected back to F5 with Access denied. Troubleshooting steps: Checking logs by clicking the session ID from Access > Overview. From the below logs we can see the logon was successful but somehow the Authorization code wasn’t detected. One main reason can be the need to rediscover JWT keys. Local Time 2024-06-11 06:51:06 Log Message /Common/oidc_google_t1.app/oidc_google_t1:Common:848f0568: Session variable 'session.oauth.client.last.errMsg' set to 'None of the configured JWK keys match the received JWT token, JWT Header: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImMzYWJlNDEzYjIyNjhhZTk3NjQ1OGM4MmMxNTE3OTU0N2U5NzUyN2UiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ' Partition Common The action to be taken would be to rediscover the JWT keys if they are automatic or add the new one manually. Head toAccess ›› Federation : OAuth Client / Resource Server : Provider Select the created provider. Click Discover to fetch new keys from provider Save and apply the new policies settings. Case 3: OAuth Client DNS resolver failure In this case the below is the connection sequence, User accessing through F5 acting as Client + RS. Users are redirected to OAuth provider for authentication. User is redirected back to F5 with Access denied. Troubleshooting steps: Checking logs by clicking the session ID fromAccess > Overview. From the below logs we can see the logon was successful but somehow the Authorization code wasn’t detected. Another reason for such behavior can be the DNS failure to reach to OAuth provider to validate JWT keys. Local Time 2024-06-12 19:36:12 Log Message /Common/oidc_google_t1.app/oidc_google_t1:Common:fb5d96bc: Session variable 'session.oauth.client.last.errMsg' set to 'HTTP error 503, DNS lookup failed' Partition Common Checking DNS resolver Network ›› DNS Resolvers : DNS Resolver List Validate resolver config. is correct. Check route to DNS server Network ›› Routes Note, DNS resolver uses TMM traffic routes not the management plane system routing. Case 4: Token Mismatch In this case the below is the connection sequence, User accessing through F5 acting as Client + RS. Users are redirected to OAuth provider for authentication. User is redirected back to F5 with Access denied. Troubleshooting steps: Checking logs by clicking the session ID fromAccess > Overview. We will find the logs showing Bearer token is received yet no token enabled at the client / resource server connections. Local Time 2024-06-21 07:25:12 Log Message /Common/f5_local_client_rs.app/f5_local_client_rs:Common:c224c941: Session variable 'session.oauth.client./Common/f5_local_client_rs.app/f5_local_client_rs_oauthServer_f5_local_provider.token_type' set to 'Bearer' Partition Common Local Time 2024-06-21 07:25:12 Log Message /Common/f5_local_client_rs.app/f5_local_client_rs:Common:c224c941: Session variable 'session.oauth.scope./Common/f5_local_client_rs.app/f5_local_client_rs_oauthServer_f5_local_provider.errMsg' set to 'Token is not active' Partition Common We need to make sure client and resource server have JWT token enabled instead of opaque and proper JWT token is selected. Case 5: Audience mismatch In this case the below is the connection sequence, User accessing through F5 acting as Client + RS. Users are redirected to OAuth provider for authentication. User is redirected back to F5 with Access denied. Troubleshooting steps: Checking logs by clicking the session ID fromAccess > Overview. We will find the logs stating incorrect or unmatched audience. Local Time 2024-06-23 21:32:42 Log Message /Common/f5_local_client_rs.app/f5_local_client_rs:Common:42ef6c51: Session variable 'session.oauth.scope.last.errMsg' set to 'Audience not found : Claim audience= f5local JWT_Config Audience=' Partition Common Case 6: Scope mismatch In this case the below is the connection sequence, User accessing through F5 acting as Client + RS. Users receive authorization error with wrong scope. Troubleshooting steps: Checking logs by clicking the session ID fromAccess > Overview. Scope name is mentioned in the logs, in this case I named it “wrongscope” You will see scope includes openid string, this is because we have openid enabled. Change the scope to the one configured at the provider side. Local Time 2024-06-24 06:20:28 Log Message /Common/oidc_google_t1.app/oidc_google_t1:Common:edacbe31:/Common/oidc_google_t1.app/oidc_google_t1_act_oauth_client_0_ag: OAuth: Request parameter 'scope=openid wrongscope' Partition Common Case 7: Incorrect JWT Signature In this case the below is the connection sequence, User accessing through F5 acting as Client + RS. Users are redirected to OAuth provider for authentication. User is redirected back to F5 with Access denied. Troubleshooting steps: Checking logs by clicking the session ID fromAccess > Overview. We will find the logs showing Bearer token is received yet no token enabled at the client / resource server connections. Local Time 2024-06-21 07:25:12 Log Message /Common/f5_local_client_rs.app/f5_local_client_rs:Common:c224c941: Session variable 'session.oauth.scope./Common/f5_local_client_rs.app/f5_local_client_rs_oauthServer_f5_local_provider.errMsg' set to 'Token is not active' Partition Common When trying to renew the JWT key we see this error in the GUI. An error occurred: Error in processing URL https://accounts.google.com/.well-known/openid-configuration. The message is - javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target We need at this step to validate the used CA bundle and if we need to allow the trust of expired or self-signed JWT tokens. General issues In addition to the listed cases above, we have some general issues: DNS failure at client side not able to reach whether the F5 virtual server or OAuth provider to provide authentication information. In this case, please verify DNS configurations and Network setup on the client machine. Validate HTTP / SSL / TCP profiles at the virtual server are correctly configured. Related Content DNS Resolver Overview BIG-IP APM deployments using OAuth/OIDC with Microsoft Azure AD may fail to authenticate OAuth and OpenID Connect - Made easy with Access Guided Configurations templates Request and validate OAuth / OIDC tokens with APM F5 APM OIDC with Azure Entra AD Configuring an OAuth setup using one BIG-IP APM system as an OAuth authorization server and another as the OAuth client361Views1like4CommentsSimplify Network Segmentation for Hybrid Cloud
Introduction Enterprises have always had the need to maintain separate development and production environments. Operational efficiency, reduction of blast radius, security and compliance are generally the common objectives behind separating these environments. By dividing networks into smaller, isolated segments, organizations can enhance security, optimize performance, and ensure regulatory compliance. This article demonstrates a practical strategy for implementing network segmentation in modern multicloud environments that also connect on-prem infrastructure. This uses F5 Distributed Cloud (F5 XC) services to connect and secure network segments in cloud environments like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and on-prem datacenters. Need for Segmentation Network segmentation is critical for managing complex enterprise environments. Traditional methods like Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRFs) and Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) have long been used to create isolated network segments in on-prem setups. F5 XC ensures segmentation in environments like AWS and it can extend the same segmentation to on-prem environments. These techniques separate traffic, enhance security, and improve network management by preventing unauthorized access and minimizing the attack surface. Scenario Overview Our scenario depicts an enterprise with three different environments (prod, dev, and shared services) extended between on-prem and cloud. A 3rd party entity requires access to a subset of the enterprise's services. This article, covers the following two networking segmentation use-cases: Hybrid Cloud Transit Extranet (servicing external 3 rd party partners/customers) Hybrid Cloud Transit Consider an enterprise with three distinct environments: Production (Prod), Development (Dev), and Shared Services. Each environment requires strict isolation to ensure security and performance. Using F5 XC Cloud Connect, we can assign each VPC a network segment effectively isolating the VPC’s. Segments in multiple locations (or VPC’s) can traverse F5 XC to reach distant locations whether in another cloud environment or on-prem. Network segments are isolated by default, for example, our Prod segment cannot access Shared. A segment connector is needed to allow traffic between Prod and Shared. The following diagram shows the VPC segments, ensuring complete "ships in the night" isolation between environments. In this setup, Prod, Dev, and Shared Services environments operate independently and are completely isolated from one another at the control plane level. This ensures that any issues or attacks in one environment do not affect the others. Customer Requirement: Shared Services Access Many enterprises deploy common services across their organization to support internal workloads and applications. Some examples include DHCP, DNS, NTP, and NFS, services that need to be accessible to both Prod and Dev environments while keeping Prod and Dev separate from each other. Segment Connectors is a method to allow communication between two isolated segments by leaking the routes between the source and destination segments. It is important to note that segment connector can be of type Direct or SNAT. Direct allows bidirectional communication between segments whereas the SNAT option allows unidirectional communication from the source to the destination. Extending Segmentation to On-Premises Enterprises already use segmented networks within their on-premises infrastructure. Extending this segmentation to AWS involves creating similar isolated segments in the cloud and establishing secure communication channels. F5 XC allows you to easily extend this segmentation from on-prem to the cloud regardless of the underlay technology. In this scenario, communication between the on-premises Prod segment and its cloud counterpart is seamless, and the same also applies for the Dev segment. Meanwhile Dev and Prod stay separate ensuring that existing security and isolation is preserved across the hybrid environment. Extranet In this scenario an external entity (customer/partner) needs access to a few applications within our Prod segment. There are two different ways to enable this access, Network-centric and App-centric. Let’s refer to the external entity as Company B. In order to connect Company B we generally need appropriate cloud credentials, but Company B will not share their cloud credentials with us. To solve this problem, F5 XC recommends using AWS STS:AssumeRole functionality whereby Company B creates an AWS IAM Role that trusts F5 XC with the minimum privileges necessary to configure Transit Gateway (TGW) attachments and TGW route table entries to extend access to the F5 XC network or network segments. Section 1 – Network-centric Extranet Many times, partners & customers need to access a unique subset of your enterprise’s applications. This can be achieved with F5 XC’s dedicated network segments and segment connectors. With a segment connector for the external and prod network segments, we can give Company B access to the required HTTP service without gaining broader access to other non-Prod segments. Locking Down with Firewall Policies We can implement a Zero Trust firewall policy to lock down access from the external segment. By refining these policies, we ensure that third-party consumers can only access the services they are authorized to use. Our firewall policy on the CE only allows access from the external segment to the intended application on TCP/80 in Prod. [ec2-user@ip-10-150-10-146 ~]$ curl --head HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.24.0 (Ubuntu) Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 20:50:30 GMT Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 615 Last-Modified: Wed, 22 May 2024 21:35:11 GMT Connection: keep-alive ETag: "664e650f-267" Accept-Ranges: bytes [ec2-user@ip-10-150-10-146 ~]$ ping -O PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. no answer yet for icmp_seq=1 no answer yet for icmp_seq=2 no answer yet for icmp_seq=3 ^C --- ping statistics --- 4 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 3153ms After applying the new policies, we confirm that the third-party access is restricted to the intended services only, enhancing security and compliance. This demonstrates how F5 Distributed Cloud services enable networking segmentation across on-prem and cloud environments, with granular control over security policies applied between the segments. Section 2 - App-centric Extranet In the scenario above, Company B can directly access one or more services in Prod with a segment connector and we’ve locked it down with a firewall policy. For the App-centric method, we’ll only publish the intended services that live in Prod to the external segment. App-centric connectivity is made possible without a segment connector by using load balancers within App Connect that target the application within the Prod segment and advertises its VIP address to the external segment. The following illustration shows how to configure each component in the load balancer. Visualization of Traffic Flows The visualization flow analysis tool in the F5 XC Console shows traffic flows between the connected environments. By analyzing these flows, particularly between third-party consumers and the Prod environment, we can identify any unintended access or overreach. The following diagram is for a Network-centric connection flow: This following diagram shows an App-centric connection flow using the load balancer: Product Feature Demo Conclusion Effective network segmentation is a cornerstone of secure and efficient cloud environments. We’ve discussed how F5 XC enables hybrid cloud transit and extranet communication. Extranet can be done with either a network centric or app-centric deployment. F5 XC is an end to end platform that manages and orchestrates end-to-end segmentation and security in hybrid-cloud environments. Enterprises can achieve comprehensive segmentation, ensuring isolation, secure access, and compliance. The strategies and examples provided demonstrate how to implement and manage segmentation across hybrid environments, catering to diverse requirements and enhancing overall network security. Additional Resources More features and guidance are provided in the comprehensive guide below, where showing exactly how you can use the power and flexibility of F5 Distributed Cloud and Cloud Connect to deliver a Network-centric approach with a firewall and an App-centric approach with a load balancer. Create and manage segmented networks inyour own cloud and on-prem environments, and achieve the following benefits: Ability to isolate environments within AWS Ability to extend segmentation to on-prem environments Ability to connect external partners or customers to a specific segment Use Enhanced Firewall Policies to limit access and reduce the blast radius Enhance the compliance and regulatory requirements by isolating sensitive data and systems Visualize and monitor the traffic flows and policies across segments and network domains Workflow Guide - Secure Network Fabric (Multi-Cloud Networking) YouTube: Using network segmentation for hybrid-cloud and extranet with F5 Distributed Cloud Services DevCentral:Secure Multicloud Networking Article Series GitHub: S-MCN Use-case Playbooks (Console, Automation) for F5 Distributed Cloud Customers F5.com: Product Information Product Documentation Network Segmentation Cloud Connect Network Segment Connectors App Security App Networking CE Site Management252Views0likes0CommentsConfigure Generic Webhook Alert Receiver using F5 Distributed Cloud Platform
Generic Webhook Alerts feature in F5 Distributed Cloud (F5 XC) gives feasibility to easily configure and send Alert notifications related to Application Infrastructure (IaaS) to specified URL receiver. F5 XC SaaS console platform sends alert messages to web servers to receive as soon as the events gets triggered.148Views2likes0CommentsIdentity-Aware decisions with JA4+
Introduction JA4+ is a suite of network fingerprints methods. These methods are both human and machine readable to facilitate more effective threat-hunting and analysis. The use cases for these fingerprints include scanning for threat actors, malware detection, session hijacking prevention, compliance automation, location tracking, DDoS detection, grouping of threat actors, reverse shell detection, and many more. Full Name Short Name Description JA4 JA4 TLS Client Fingerprinting JA4Server JA4S TLS Server response / Session Fingerprinting JA4HTTP JA4H HTTP Client Fingerprinting JA4Latency JA4L Latency measurement / Light distance JA4X509 JA4X X509 TLS Certificate Fingerprinting JA4SSH JA4SSH SSH Traffic Fingerprinting JA4TCP JA4T Passive TCP Client Fingerprinting JA4TCPServer JA4TS Passive TCP Server Response Fingerprinting JA4TCPScan JA4TScan Active TCP Server Fingerprinting Identity-enhanced JA4+ F5 BIG-IP Access Policy Manager (APM) and Next Access solutions ability to integrate with different F5 BIG-IP modules and make use of different integrations allows to leverage JA4+ fingerprints and enhance the Identity-based decisions. In this article we are covering three main JA4 fingerprints (JA4, JA4L, JA4H). We are using two main integration points: Policy event trigger Building on a great Devcentral repo by Joe Martin,https://github.com/f5devcentral/f5-ja4 discussing how to implement JA4 fingerprint via F5 BIG-IP iRules, to use Access flow to trigger iRules and obtain required JA4 fingerprints. iRules are modified with additional EventACCESS_POLICY_AGENT_EVENT and an iRule trigger is added to the Access policies. JA4 iRule JA4L iRule JA4H iRule when ACCESS_POLICY_AGENT_EVENT { if { [ACCESS::policy agent_id] eq "JA4FP" } { ACCESS::session data set session.custom.JA4 $ja4 } } when ACCESS_POLICY_AGENT_EVENT { if { [ACCESS::policy agent_id] eq "JA4FPL" } { ACCESS::session data set session.custom.JA4l $ja4l ACCESS::session data set session.custom.JA4la [getfield $ja4l "_" 1] ACCESS::session data set session.custom.JA4lb [getfield $ja4l "_" 2] ACCESS::session data set session.custom.JA4lc [getfield $ja4l "_" 3] } } when ACCESS_ACL_ALLOWED { ACCESS::session data set session.custom.JA4h $ja4h_fp } HTTP Connector, sideband calls Initiate a call to JA4 fingerprints database and make use of the obtained ones in the previous iRules to check and match from the database. This database can obtain allowed or blocked fingerprints (malicious browsers, clients, and others). This is not only to cover security use cases but also network and performance use cases, listing below some of the use cases, Network Performance: Using JA4L to get the delay at Client to VPN endpoint and VPN endpoint to backend server, and based on this delay we may direct user to better VPN endpoint to reach specific service. Security use case: Using fingerprints calculated for (JA4, JA4H, others) and match this against JA4 Database to block malicious clients and browsers. Security use case: Using fingerprints calculated for (JA4, JA4H, others) and matching this against JA4 Database to allow specific machines or browsers to access the service. Conclusion JA4+ provides great light-weight insights into passing traffic, knowing not only the traffic reaching the device, but the history of the path that the packet traversed. Enhancing such visibility with the Identity piece from F5 Access solutions allows granular control over traffic not only from a security perspective but also from a performance and optimization point of view. Related content JA4 Database F5 DevCentral JA4DB iRules FOXIO JA4 Github Repo239Views3likes0CommentsUse F5 Distributed Cloud to control Primary and Secondary DNS
Overview Domain Name Service (DNS); it's how humans and machines discover where to connect. DNS on the Internet is the universal directory of addresses to names. If you need to get support for the product Acme, you go to support.acme.com. Looking for the latest headlines in News, try www.aonn.com or www.npr.org. DNS is the underlying feature that nearly every service on the Internet depends on. Having a robust and reliable DNS provider is critical to keeping your organization online and working, and especially so during a DDoS attack. "Nature is a mutable cloud, which is always and never the same." - Ralph Waldo Emerson We might not wax that philosophically around here, but our heads are in the cloud nonetheless! Join the F5 Distributed Cloud user group today and learn more with your peers and other F5 experts. F5 Distributed Cloud DNS (F5 XC DNS) can function as both Primary or Secondary nameservers, and it natively includes DDoS protection. Using F5 XC DNS, it’s possible to provision and configure primary or secondary DNS securely in minutes. Additionally, the service uses a global anycast network and is built to scale automatically to respond to large query volumes. Dynamic security is included and adds automatic failover, DDoS protection, TSIG authentication support, and when used as a secondary DNS—DNSSEC support. F5 Distributed Cloud allows you to manage all of your sites as a single “logical cloud” providing: - A portable platform that spans multiple sites/clouds - A private backbone connects all sites - Connectivity to sites through its nodes (F5 Distributed Cloud Mesh and F5 Distributed Cloud App Stack) - Node flexibility, allowing it to be virtual machines, live on hardware within data centers, sites, or in cloud instances (e.g. EC2) - Nodes provide vK8s (virtual K8s), network and security services - Services managed through F5 Distributed Cloud’s SaaS base console Scenario 1 – F5 Distributed Cloud DNS: Primary Nameserver Consider the following; you're looking to improve the response time of your app with a geo-distributed solution, including DNS and app distribution. With F5 XC DNS configured as the primary nameserver, you’ll automatically get DNS DDoS protection, and will see an improvement in the response the time to resolve DNS just by using Anycast with F5’s global network’s regional point of presence. To configure F5 XC DNS to be the Primary nameserver for your domain, access the F5 XC Console, go to DNS Management, and then Add Zone. Alternately, if you're migrating from another DNS server or DNS service to F5 XC DNS, you can import this zone directly from your DNS server. Scenario 1.2 below illustrates how to import and migrate your existing DNS zones to F5 XC DNS. Here, you’ll write in the domain name (your DNS zone), and then View Configuration for the Primary DNS. On the next screen, you may change any of the default SOA parameters for the zone, and any type of resource record (RR) or record sets which the DNS server will use to respond to queries. For example, you may want to return more than one A record (IP address) for the frontend to your app when it has multiple points of presence. To do this, enter as many IP addresses of record type A as needed to send traffic to all the points of ingress to your app. Additional Resource Record Sets allows the DNS server to return more than a single type of RR. For example, the following configurations, returns two A (IPv4 address) records and one TXT record to the query of type ANY for “al.demo.internal”. Optionally, if your root DNS zone has been configured for DNSSEC, then enabling it for the zone is just a matter of toggling the default setting in the F5 XC Console. Scenario 1.2 - Import an Existing Primary Zone to Distributed Cloud using Zone Transfer (AXFR) F5 XC DNS can use AXFR DNS zone transfer to import an existing DNS zone. Navigate to DNS Management > DNS Zone Management, then click Import DNS Zone. Enter the zone name and the externally accessible IP of the primary DNS server. ➡️ Note: You'll need to configure your DNS server and any firewall policies to allow zone transfers from F5. A current list of public IP's that F5 uses can be found in the following F5 tech doc. Optionally, configure a transaction signature (TSIG) to secure the DNS zone transfer. When you save and exit, F5 XC DNS executes a secondary nameserver zone AXFR and then transitions itself to be the zone's primary DNS server. To finish the process, you'll need to change the NS records for the zone at your domain name registrar. In the registrar, change the name servers to the following F5 XC DNS servers: ns1.f5clouddns.com ns2.f5clouddns.com Scenario 1.3 - Import Existing (BIND format) Primary Zones directly to Distributed Cloud F5 XC DNS can directly import BIND formatted DNS zone files in the Console, for example, db.2-0-192.in-addr.arpa and db.foo.com. Enterprises often use BIND as their on-prem DNS service, importing these files to Distributed Cloud makes it easier to migrate existing DNS records. To import existing BIND db files, navigate to DNS Management > DNS Zone Management, click Import DNS Zone, then "BIND Import". Now click "Import from File" and upload a .zip with one or more BIND db zone files. The import wizard accepts all primary DNS zones and ignores other zones and files. After uploading a .zip file, the next screen reports any warnings and errors At this poing you can "Save and Exit" to import the new DNS zones or cancel to make any changes. For more complex zone configurations, including support for using $INCLUDE and $ORIGIN directives in BIND files, the following open source tool will convert BIND db files to JSON, which can then be copied directly to the F5 XC Console when configuring records for new and existing Primary DNS zones. BIND to XC-DNS Converter Scenario 2 - F5 Distributed Cloud DNS: Primary with Delegated Subdomains An enhanced capability when using Distributed Cloud (F5 XC) as the primary DNS server for your domains or subdomains, is to have services in F5 XC dynamically create their own DNS records, and this can be done either directly in the primary domain or the subdomains. Note thatbeforeJuly 2023, the delegated DNS feature in F5 XC required the exclusive use of subdomains to dynamically manage DNS records. As of July 2023, organizations are allowed to have both F5 XC managed and user-managed DNS resource records in the same domain or subdomain. When "Allow HTTP Load Balancer Managed Records" is checked, DNS records automatically added by F5 XC appear in a new RR set group called x-ves-io-managed which is read-only. In the following example, I've created an HTTP Load Balanacer with the domain "www.example.f5-cloud-demo.com" and F5 XC automatically created the A resource record (RR) in the group x-ves-io-managed. Scenario 3 – F5 Distributed Cloud DNS: Secondary Nameserver In this scenario, say you already have a primary DNS server in your on-prem datacenter, but due to security reasons, you don’t want it to be directly accessible to queries from the Internet. F5 XC DNS can be configured as a secondary DNS server and will both zone transfer (AXFR, IXFR) and receive (NOTIFY) updates from your primary DNS server as needed. To configure F5 XC DNS to be a secondary DNS server, go to Add Zone, then choose Secondary DNS Configuration. Next, View Configuration for it, and add your primary DNS server IP’s. To enhance the security of zone transfers and updates, F5 XC DNS supports TSIG encrypted transfers from the primary DNS server. To support TSIG, ensure your primary DNS server supports encryption, and enable it by entering the pre-shared key (PSK) name and its value. The PSK itself can be blindfold-encrypted in the F5 XC Console to prevent other Console admins from being able to view it. If encryption is desired, simply plug in the remaining details for your TSIG PSK and Apply. Once you’ve saved your new secondary DNS configuration, the F5 XC DNS will immediately transfer your zone details and begin resolving queries on the F5 XC Global Network with its pool of Anycast-reachable DNS servers. Conclusion You’ve just seen how to configure F5 XC DNS both as a primary DNS as well as a secondary DNS service. Ensure the reachability of your company with a robust, secure, and optimized DNS service by F5. A service that delivers the lowest resolution latency with its global Anycast network of nameservers, and one that automatically includes DDoS protection, DNSSEC, TSIG support for secondary DNS. Watch the following demo video to see how to configure F5 XC DNS for scenarios #1 and #3 above. Additional Resources For more information about using F5 Distributed Cloud DNS: https://www.f5.com/cloud/products/dns For technical documentation: https://docs.cloud.f5.com/docs/how-to/app-networking/manage-dns-zones DNS Management FAQ: https://f5cloud.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/sections/7057223802519-DNS-Management DNS Demo Guide and step-by-step walkthrough: https://github.com/f5devcentral/f5xc-dns BIND to XC-DNS Converter (open source tool):https://github.com/Mikej81/BINDtoXCDNS8.7KViews6likes0Comments