Forum Discussion

René_Posthumus_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 08, 2017

Adding rules to a policy while creating an iApp

Hi folks,


I'm facing the following problem and hope somebody can help me out:


We are using central Virtual Servers, which use a policy that will make a forwarding decision based on request host header and source ip using a datagroup. The outcome of a decision is forwarding to a different (non adressable) VIP. That's working fine.


Now here comes the tricky part....


I want to be able to publish a new webapp by using an iApp template i built myself. I'm able to set all parameters and variables, but when i try to modify the policy mentioned above to add a rule mentioning the host header, it will tell me that the policy already exists, even when i use tmsh::modify....


Is there any way i can do this without altering the policy by hand with every site we publish ?


Hope to hear from you !






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