Rate Limiting based on ACCESS TOKEN (OAuth 2.0)
Problem this snippet solves: When publishing web services, you need to implement some rate limiting functions to avoid abuses. There are plenty of ways to setup Rate limiting How to use this snippet: The code below setup a rate limiting based on the ACCESS TOKEN. The client will receive a response "429 Too much requests" after 1000 requests in a window of 300 seconds. The client can request its current status by doing a request to /rate_limit_status. He will then receive the following JSON message : { "x-rate-limit-limit": 1000, "x-rate-limit-remaining": 800, "x-rate-limit-reset": 100 } Code : when RULE_INIT { ### # rate limit options ### set static::request_limit 1000 set static::window_size 300 ### # define URI endpoints ### set static::status_uri "/rate_limit_status" } when HTTP_REQUEST { ### # initialize vars ### set access_token "" set client_ip "" ### # retrieve the access_token. It will be used as a mandatory key to evaluate rate limiting ### if { [HTTP::header exists Authorization] and [HTTP::header Authorization] contains "Bearer" } { set access_token [getfield [HTTP::header Authorization] " " 2] set client_ip [IP::client_addr] } if { !($access_token eq "") } { ### # provide client with rate limit status ### set key [sha1 $access_token] set count [table lookup -notouch $key] set time [table timeout -remaining $key] ### # Provide a status page to the client ### if { [HTTP::path] eq $static::status_uri and [HTTP::method] eq "GET" } { if { $count > 0 } { set x_rate_limit_limit "$static::request_limit" set x_rate_limit_remaining "[expr {$static::request_limit-$count}]" set x_rate_limit_reset "$time" } else { set x_rate_limit_limit "$static::request_limit" set x_rate_limit_remaining "$static::request_limit" set x_rate_limit_reset "$static::window_size" } HTTP::respond 200 content "{\"x-rate-limit-limit\": $x_rate_limit_limit,\"x-rate-limit-remaining\": $x_rate_limit_remaining,\"x-rate-limit-reset\": $x_rate_limit_reset}" noserver Content-Type "application/json" Connection Close event disable all } else { ### # Handle the case where a client reach the rate limit ### if { $count >= $static::request_limit } { set x_rate_limit_limit "$static::request_limit" set x_rate_limit_remaining "0" set x_rate_limit_reset "$time" HTTP::respond 429 content "{\"x-rate-limit-limit\": $x_rate_limit_limit,\"x-rate-limit-remaining\": $x_rate_limit_remaining,\"x-rate-limit-reset\": $x_rate_limit_reset}" noserver Content-Type "application/json" Connection Close event disable all } else { if { $count == 0 } { table add $key 1 $static::window_size $static::window_size } else { table incr -notouch $key } } } } } Tested this on version: 11.5732Views0likes1CommentBot and Request Limiting iRule
Problem this snippet solves: This iRule limits robots and what they can do. Furthermore, it restricts requests per second and blacklists a client that goes above the limit Note: Not CMP Compatible. Code : when RULE_INIT { #Define blacklist timeout set ::bl_timeout 30 #Define request per minute threshold set ::req_limit 5 #Expiration for tracking IPs set ::expiration_time 300 #Sets iRule Runlevel 0-log only 1 - Logging and Blocking set ::runlevel 1 } when HTTP_REQUEST { #Captures User-Agent header to check for known robots set ua [string tolower [HTTP::header User-Agent]] log local0. "User Agent: $ua" #Checks to see if the connection is a known robot or requests the robot.txt file if { ([matchclass $ua contains $::RUA]) or ([string tolower [HTTP::uri]] contains "robot.txt") } { set robot 1 log local0. "Robot Detected" } else { set robot 0 } #Defines client_ip variable with the address of the client set client_ip [IP::client_addr] log local0. "Client IP: $client_ip" #Robot logic if { $robot > 0 }{ set bl_check [session lookup uie blacklist_$client_ip] log local0. "Value of bl_check variable: $bl_check" set req_uri [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] log local0. "Request URI: $req_uri" #Checks to see if IP address is on blacklist if { $bl_check ne ""}{ log local0.warn "Request Blocked: $client_ipClient on Blacklist[HTTP::request]" if { $::runlevel > 0 }{ HTTP::respond 403 } } #Checks to see if Robot is allowed and sets restrictions. Default is no access switch -glob $ua { "*slurp*" - "*yahooseeker*" - "*googlebot*" - "*msnbot*" - "*teoma*" - "*voyager*" { if { [matchclass $req_uri starts_with $::robot_block] }{ log local0.warn "Request Blocked: $client_ipRequest Blocked. Robot not following Robot.txt[HTTP::request]" if { $::runlevel > 0 }{ HTTP::respond 403 } } else { pool dave_pool } } default { log local0.warn "Request Blocked: $client_ipRequest Blocked, Unauthoried Robot[HTTP::request]" if { $::runlevel > 0 }{ HTTP::respond 403 } } } } #Logic for non-robots. Checks to see if blacklisted set bl_check [session lookup uie blacklist_$client_ip] log local0. "Non-Robot bl_check: $bl_check" if { $bl_check ne "" }{ log local0.warn "Request Blocked: $client_ipClient on Blacklist[HTTP::request]" log local0.warn "Session Record: $bl_check" if { $::runlevel > 0 }{ HTTP::respond 403 } } set curr_time [clock seconds] set timekey starttime_$client_ip set reqkey reqcount_$client_ip set request_count [session lookup uie $reqkey] log local0. "Request Count: $request_count" #If user uses search their request count is reset if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/search" }{ session delete uie $reqkey } #Sets up new count for first time connections. If not a new connection, connection count is incremented and the iRule checks to #see if over the threshold if { $request_count eq "" } { log local0. "Request Count is 0" set request_count 1 session add uie $reqkey $request_count $::expiration_time log local0. "Current Time: $curr_time" log local0. "Timekey Value: $timekey" log local0. "Reqkey value: $reqkey" session add uie $timekey [expr {$curr_time - 2}] [expr {$::expiration_time + 2}] log local0. "Request Count is now: $request_count" } else { set start_time [session lookup uie $timekey] log local0. "Start Time: $start_time" log local0. "Request Count (beyond first request): $request_count" incr request_count session add uie $reqkey $request_count $::expiration_time set elapsed_time [expr {$curr_time - $start_time}] log local0. "Elapsed Time: $elapsed_time" if {$elapsed_time < 60} { set elapsed_time 60 } set curr_rate [expr {$request_count / ($elapsed_time/60)}] log local0. "Current Rate of Request for $client_ip: $curr_rate" if {$curr_rate > $::req_limit}{ log local0.warn "Request Blocked: $client_ipClient over Threshold. Added to Blacklist[HTTP::request]" if { $::runlevel > 0 }{ session add uie blacklist_$client_ip $::bl_timeout HTTP::respond 403 } } } } Tested this on version: 9.0556Views0likes1CommentHTTP Rate Limiting - CMP Compatible
Problem this snippet solves: This iRule is a CMP compatible Request per Second Throttling iRule. Code : when HTTP_REQUEST { set debug 1 set expiration_time 300 set client_ip [IP::client_addr] set req_limit 200 set curr_time [clock seconds] set timekey starttime set reqkey reqcount set request_count [session lookup uie $reqkey] if {$debug}{log local0. "Request Count: $request_count"} #Sets up new count for first time connections. If not a new connection, connection count is incremented and the iRule checks to #see if over the threshold if { $request_count eq "" } { if {$debug}{log local0. "Request Count is 0"} set request_count 1 session add uie $reqkey $request_count $expiration_time if {$debug}{log local0. "Current Time: $curr_time"} if {$debug}{log local0. "Timekey Value: $timekey"} if {$debug}{log local0. "Reqkey value: $reqkey"} session add uie $timekey [expr {$curr_time - 2}] [expr {$expiration_time + 2}] if {$debug}{log local0. "Request Count is now: $request_count"} } else { set start_time [session lookup uie $timekey] if {$debug}{log local0. "Start Time: $start_time"} if {$debug}{log local0. "Request Count (beyond first request): $request_count"} incr request_count session add uie $reqkey $request_count $expiration_time set elapsed_time [expr {$curr_time - $start_time}] if {$debug}{log local0. "Elapsed Time: $elapsed_time"} if {$elapsed_time < 60} { set elapsed_time 60 } set curr_rate [expr {$request_count / ($elapsed_time/60)}] if {$debug}{log local0. "Current Rate of Request: $curr_rate"} if {$curr_rate > $req_limit}{ if {$debug}{log local0.warn "Request Blocked: $client_ipClient over Threshold.[HTTP::request]"} HTTP::redirect http://www.company.com/sorry.html } } }396Views0likes1Comment