F5 rules for AWS WAF Terraform
Dear, good afternoon I'm implementing the rules of F5 OWSAP10 https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-ah3rqi2hcqzsi But I'm working with infrastructure by Terraform code To carry out the implementation I need the correct name of the rule and the correct name of the vendor for implementation and I cannot find this information in the documentation Can you help me? ex: { overrideAction = { type = var.NAME == "BLOCK" ? "NONE" : var.NAME } managedRuleGroupIdentifier = { "vendorName" : "NAME", "managedRuleGroupName" : "NAME" } ruleGroupType = "ManagedRuleGroup" excludeRules = [] }Solved1.8KViews0likes8CommentsNTP & DNS Not getting deleted when destroying using Terraform
I am seeking your advice on below issue:I am trying to configure DNS, NTP etc on f5 using terraform. I am observing that configuration is getting created when i do apply. But after doing destroy it is not getting deleted from the configuration even though output of “terraform destroy” shows that it is destroyed.BIG-IP Version: Terraform Version:v0.12.28 + provider.bigip v1.2.1(edited) #big-ip #devops #Automation #F5316Views0likes0Comments