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Akhilesh_128432's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 27, 2013

Big IP LTM trial version

Hi Team,


I am just trying to run big IP LTM virtual edition on Vmware ESXi 5. All the configuration is done and when i try to access the application I am facing damm slowness and not sure why it so.


As per the documentation its saying big Ip ltm Ve edition is supported on Vmware ESX 4 and not on 5. is that the reason for this issue?


Also I am not able to download any other version higher than 10.2.2 which is supported on ESXI 5, since it permitting me to Generate the trial version.


Please help me on this. This is really critical.


Waiting for an update.







37 Replies

  • I installed an configiured and the VE 11.3.0 and its working fine.



    But I am facing some issues,


    Currently there are two appliacation server on backend and traffic is server by only one app server. second server is not handling traffic.


    If i disabled the first app server then the second server will start handling traffic, not sure why its so.


    I checked the configuration and I selected round robin configuration. Please help me on this



  • OK. Do you have any persistence configured? If so and you are only testing from a single client that would explain it. Even if there's no persistence you still might see this unless you test with multiple clients.
  • Right now i configured below options ,



    Default Persistence Profile- cookie


    Fallback Persistence Profile - source_address



    Please let me know how to proceed.


  • OK, if you can only test with a single client then I'd suggest you remove the persistence. Then when you test, connect once, then close the browser and test again - this should prove the load balancing. However, it's always more reliable to test from multiple source hosts just to be sure.
  • yes, I tried the same from friends machine and most of the request are processing by first app server.



    some time if i tried again the second app server will serve it. why its so?



    Please let me know the standard persistence configuration.