Forum Discussion

b_136889's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 12, 2013

bigip ltm ve license managmenet

Hi, How can I manage the license for big ip ltm ve. If I delete the vm which had active license, I am not able to use the same license with new VM. do I need to use new license every time I delete the old and start a new bigip VM?


6 Replies

  • Technically, no you do not need a new license each time - F5 support can release the license (called an "allow move") to enable it to be provisioned on a new VE. This is required as the new VM has a different UUID than the VM previously deployed.


    That said, why do you want to churn VE VM images so frequently? Could you achieve what you're trying to do by reverting to a "clean install" BIG-IP config archive, created post licensing?


    • adrock_1854's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      No, that SOL just describes configuration - I'm talking about the way the VE system is actually licensed. Have a look at this, especially if you're running on VMware:
    • b_136889's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      this is wat u talking abt ?
  • Technically, no you do not need a new license each time - F5 support can release the license (called an "allow move") to enable it to be provisioned on a new VE. This is required as the new VM has a different UUID than the VM previously deployed.


    That said, why do you want to churn VE VM images so frequently? Could you achieve what you're trying to do by reverting to a "clean install" BIG-IP config archive, created post licensing?


    • dirtycache's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      No, that SOL just describes configuration - I'm talking about the way the VE system is actually licensed. Have a look at this, especially if you're running on VMware:
    • b_136889's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      this is wat u talking abt ?