Forum Discussion

Jeremy_Hobbs_18's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 05, 2016

BIGIQ sync issue

I have BIGIQs is a HA Peer Group. We updated the software and the 02 device reverted to using the default IP address for the 01 device. This caused the pair to go out of sync. I went into the 02 d...
  • Kyle_Oliver_519's avatar
    Feb 05, 2016

    On your 01 device, delete the 02 device from your HA Peer System group (under BIG-IQ system). Verify that the UI says Standalone in the upper left.


    On your 02 device, delete the 01 device from your HA Peer System group. Verify that the UI says Standalone in the upper left.


    When both devices are in standalone, choose the device that you want to be the active device and add the other device to the HA peer system group from that device. This should re-establish the HA relationship.