Forum Discussion

mtatmc_64635's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 13, 2012

DNS error with SSL VPN and OS X 10.7.2

When connecting to our network via the F5 SSL VPN from a Mac OS X 10.7.2 Client running Safari 5.1.2 under an ordinary user account the name servers are not set properly for internal resources, breaking DNS.



I still have external DNS, and have full access to internal resources vi IP address, but no ability to resolve internal DNS records. I can see VPN attempting to set the records in the resolv.conf file, but the records do not actually get set despite the "DNS configuration was saved successfully" message in the svpn.log file.




Anyone else experiencing these symptoms?


5 Replies

  • I haven't had time to test this anymore, but I never found a solution... :/ Keep me posted if any of you do! :)
  • has F5 ever gotten back to you? Did you guys find resolution? I am seeing the same issue with x 10.7.2 and safai 6.0. Also when going to 6.0 I notice you can not perform a file check from APM. it will fail every time, roll back version and it works fine?


  • Did you ever find out what caused this? I'm doing some testing of this right now and I have the exact same issues. The client says that it's patching resolv.conf but it's not.



    I've tried Safari and FF on 10.7.3 without any luck.






  • I have seen this with one (1) user. None of our other Mac users have experienced this. One of my teammates has a Macbook, and I have seen first-hand the VPN operating properly. I opened a ticket with F5, but as they had no other reports of the problem, they could not help. FYI, resolv.conf is not used in the OS/X. There is another mechanism for DNS -- I don't use a Mac and the name escapes me right now. I realize this is an extremely late reply, which you may not see, but if you still have the problem it would be worth opening a ticket with F5. Even if they still do not have a solution at hand, it has been my experience that they will apply resources to a solution if they see multiple problem reports.