Forum Discussion

Sriram_87174's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 17, 2014

F5 LTM VE 11.4.1 HF5 - File transfers slow and timeouts from node behind f5 to any destination.

HI I have hit a strange issue with F5 LTM VE 11.4.1 , it was working fine for the past months, i have a 10Gb license on it so throughput is not a problem. However I have noticed that in the ESX cluster we have Virtual Machines who's gateway is either a Layer 3 device or F5 as its gateway. When i do a test from the VM (virtual machine ) from behind the F5 i consistantly fail have issues transferring, the speed goes down to 0 kbps and then picks it up again after a short pause and this is repeatedly happening. Dev's are unable to even see the logs as these timeouts are happening often. As a test i have a virtual machine who's gateway is not the F5 and that seems to work fine from the same ESX Cluster. Any ideas please advise. we have not set any connection limit etc everything is set to 0 to turn off the limit/rate. Is there any other setting that i am missing here to look at ?


5 Replies

  • Hi Sriram,


    Did you have the solution to the issue you reported above. I am also facing the same problem. Can someone suggest here.


  • When i do a test from the VM (virtual machine ) from behind the F5 i consistantly fail have issues transferring, the speed goes down to 0 kbps and then picks it up again after a short pause and this is repeatedly happening.

    if there is no error in log, i think you may have to capture traffic to see what happens.

     tcpdump -nni 0.0:nnn -s0 -w /var/tmp/output.pcap host x.x.x.x and host y.y.y.y -v
    x.x.x.x is source ip
    y.y.y.y is destination ip
  • We dont have any SDN in the vmware environment. We had vshield installed but we dont have any features turned on.
  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus
    Did you have any SDN stuff in your VMware environment?